Gift Under Transfer of Property Act

A gift is a gratuitous transfer of a property of any nature to the other person. It is a voluntary transfer from one person to the other. Generally, a transfer without consideration is void.

But a gift is an exception to the rule that without consideration an agreement of transfer is void. A gift is given under natural love and affection. This is the reason that even law has put it in a different table.KEEP READING

Status of Posthumous Child in Succession

Posthumous Child In Succession: Section 20 of the Hindu Succession Act recognizes the posthumous child as an heir in intestate succession.
It means the child who was in the womb at the time of death of intestate who is subsequently born alive shall have the same right to inherit to intestate as if he or she had been born before the death of intestate and the inheritance shall be deemed to vest in such a case from the date of death of the intestate.KEEP READING

Suit for Foreclosure of Mortgage Meaning

The right of foreclosure is available to mortgagee under section 67 of Transfer of Property Act to recover his money due on mortgagor.
This right can be exercised only when-
The debt amount has become due for payment.
There should be no other contract contrary to the mortgage deed, else the terms and conditions of contract will suffice.
Where mortgagor has not got a degree of redemption under section 60.KEEP READING