Administrative Tribunals Act, 1985 PDF Download
Here is the full and updated PDF for ADMINISTRATIVE TRIBUNALS ACT, 1985.
You can download the PDF from here.
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Here is the full and updated PDF for ADMINISTRATIVE TRIBUNALS ACT, 1985.
You can download the PDF from here.
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Here is the full PDF for Advocates Act, 1961. The PDF is functional and colourful.
There are links for all sections of this bare act.
If you are in hurry and you do not want to scroll the long PDF, then just click on the section name on first few pages of the PDF and that section will exactly open in your phone’s or computer’s browser.KEEP READING
You can download the PDF from here.
The PDF is updated.KEEP READING
Here is the full and updated PDF for CHILD LABOUR PROHIBITION AND REGULATION ACT, 1986.
You can download the PDF from here.
The PDF is updated and it still has the 2016 amendments at the end of the PDF.KEEP READING
Here is the full and updated PDF for COMMISSIONS FOR PROTECTION OF CHILD RIGHTS ACT, 2005.
You can download the PDF from here.
The PDF is updated.KEEP READING
Here is the full and updated PDF for CONSUMER PROTECTION ACT, 1986.
You can download the PDF from here and save it on your phone or computer and read from it offline.KEEP READING
Here is the full and updated PDF for CONSUMER PROTECTION REGULATIONS, 2005.
You can download the PDF from here.
The PDF is updated.KEEP READING
Download the full, systematic and colourful PDF for CONTEMPT OF COURTS ACT, 1971.
You can download the PDF from here and save it on your phone or computer and read from it when offline.
The PDF is updated.KEEP READING
Download the full and updated PDF for DOWRY PROHIBITION ACT, 1961.
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The PDF is updated.KEEP READING
Download the full and updated PDF for FAMILY COURTS ACT, 1984.
The PDF is
colourful and
systematic.KEEP READING
Here is the full and updated PDF for ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION ACT, 1986.
You can download the PDF from here and read offline.
The PDF is updated.KEEP READING
Here is the full and updated PDF for INDIAN BAR COUNCILS ACT, 1926.
You can download the PDF from here.
The PDF is updated.KEEP READING
Here is a beautiful made PDF for Indian Contract Act that you can download.
I have made these PDFs with care. They have proper headings, proper colour and links for other mentioned sections to save your time and energy.KEEP READING
Here is a beautiful PDF for Indian Evidence Act.
This PDF is suitable for mobile phones. You will not have to zoom to read.
The PDF is exactly like bare act on this website – colourful, systematic and with section links.KEEP READING
Download the full and updated PDF for INDIAN MEDICAL COUNCIL ACT, 1956.
You can easily save the downloaded PDF on your phone or computer and read from it when offline.KEEP READING
Download the full and updated PDF for LEGAL SERVICES AUTHORITIES ACT, 1987.
You can download the PDF from here and save it on your phone or computer and read it offline.
The PDF is updated.KEEP READING
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