What is Wakf

Wakf literally means tying up or detention. The one who makes Waqf is called Wakif. Deed is Wakf-nama.

According to the accepted view, Wakf is the detention of the property in the ownership of God.

Quran is silent regarding Wakf, but Quran does say something about charity.KEEP READING

Direct and Circumstantial Evidence in Indian Evidence Act

Direct Evidence
It means any fact which without the intervention of any other fact proves the existence of a fact in issue.

A is tried for causing grievous hurt to B with a club. C deposes to the fact that he saw the accused, inflicting the blow, which caused the grievous hurt. The evidence adduced (mentioned, pointed out, cite as evidence) by C is direct evidence.KEEP READING

Status of Posthumous Child in Succession

Posthumous Child In Succession: Section 20 of the Hindu Succession Act recognizes the posthumous child as an heir in intestate succession.
It means the child who was in the womb at the time of death of intestate who is subsequently born alive shall have the same right to inherit to intestate as if he or she had been born before the death of intestate and the inheritance shall be deemed to vest in such a case from the date of death of the intestate.KEEP READING