Meaning of Substantive Law and Procedural or Adjective Law
This law article tells you about substantive law, procedural or adjective law, and inclusive, extensive and exhaustive definitions.KEEP READING
Law Notes, Articles, Exam Papers, Question and Answers, PDFs, Bare Acts etc. There are useful for all law exams and legal competitive exams.
This law article tells you about substantive law, procedural or adjective law, and inclusive, extensive and exhaustive definitions.KEEP READING
Learn about dual nationality or dual citizenship, its benefits, and the process of getting dual nationality in India.KEEP READING
Crime is an unlawful act that is forbidden and punished by the State or the law. This IPC law note tells you its essentials and definitions.KEEP READING
Here are some of the best books for new lawyers and legal professionals to gain quick tips and ideas to succeed.KEEP READING
Learn some of the best tips to ensure you can do well in judgment writing which is an important part of the judiciary and other law exams.KEEP READING
Case laws are important for all law exams like BPSC, HPJS, MPJS, Maharashtra Judiciary, etc. These 6 short tips will help you memorize them.KEEP READING
Here are eight tips to prepare for the General Studies (GS) paper in the state judicial exams, judiciary, and other law competitive exams.KEEP READING
Bare Acts are the most important thing in law, and this brief post has tips to help you remember the Bare Act sections and articles.KEEP READING
1. Make a daily habit of reading Bare Acts. 2. If you do not understand something, read it ten times. I bet you will start understanding.KEEP READING
Learn about copyright, its importance, copyright infringement and its remedies in India as per the Copyright Act of 1957.KEEP READING
In this law note, we help you understand the definition of criminology and explain the four different schools of criminology.KEEP READING
Read about the five types of court opinions: majority opinion, concurring opinion, dissenting opinion, plurality opinion, and per incuriam.KEEP READING
In this article, you’ll read about the limitations of statutory obscenity laws, the judicial efforts to overcome these limitations, and more.KEEP READING
Fundamental Right related to the right to freedom is in Article 19 of the Indian Constitution. Articles 20, 21 and 22 talk about personal liberty.KEEP READING
This law note talks about the right to equality given under Article 14 to Article 18 of the Constitution of India in detail.KEEP READING
Learn more about Articles 23 and 24 of Part III to understand the right against exploitation as per the Constitution of India.KEEP READING
My name is Ankur. I am a law graduate. I was my college topper for five years. In March 2018, I started The main motive was to make a modern law website that is clean and comfortable. Currently, my wife and I run it.
Everything is going well. This is because of law students, advocates, judges and professors like you, who give me satisfaction, hope and the motivation to keep working. Thank you for your love and support. I hope you have a fruitful time here.
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