Tort Law Note - Definition Characteristics Differences

A tort is not a crime. It is a civil wrong.

The word ‘tort’ is derived from the Latin word ‘tortum’ which means ‘to twist’. It, therefore, includes those acts which are not straight or lawful but are crooked or twisted. In English, it means ‘wrong’.

Law of tort has its origin in the common law of England. This branch of law consists of various ‘torts’ or wrongful acts whereby the wrongdoer violates some legal right vested in another person.KEEP READING

What is the meaning of Jurisprudence

Jurisprudence is ‘the Eyes of Law.’ In the human body, the eyes are one of its most essential parts. Most of the human activities and movements of a man’s body are possible only through them. Unless a man can see anything correctly, he can’t do any work properly.

Jurisprudence is called the ‘the eye of law’ because jurisprudence functions for law like eyes do for the human body.KEEP READING

Ownership and Possession - Law Note

Austin- Ownership is a right indefinite in point of user unrestricted in point of disposition and unlimited in point of duration.

From above definition we find three elements:
1. Indefinite user.
2. Unrestricted disposition (dispose off)
3. Unlimited duration.KEEP READING

Law Important Questions 1

1. By which amendment was the Sindhi language added in the VIII schedule of the constitution?
Ans. 21st Amendment, 1967

2. Which case is related to live streaming of the proceedings of supreme court?
Ans. Swapnil Tripathi vs SC of IndiaKEEP READING

Civil Death may be presumed

1. Which provision of Evidence Act reflects for the application of the principle of res judicata?
Ans. Section 40

2. ‘A’ is charged with travelling on a railway without a ticket. The burden of proving that ‘A’ had a ticket is on?