Right to Information as a Fundamental Right

Right to information is merely a statutory right created by the RTI Act, 2005, whereas it is essentially a Fundamental Right guaranteed by the Constitution of India.

Throughout the world, RTI is seen as a key to strengthen the democracy of a country and to ensure the development of its citizens. Even in India, the government enacted the Right to Information Act in 2005, allowing transparency, autonomy, and access to information to Indian citizens.KEEP READING

Indian Prime Minister Appointment, Term, Oath, Resignation, Powers and Functions

Being the head of the government, various functions and powers are bestowed upon the Prime Minister. These are:

1. Prime Minister recommends the President regarding the appointment of ministers. The nomination of members of the council of ministers is done by the Prime Minister to the President.

2. The allocation and reshuffling of various portfolios among ministers is done by the Prime Minister. If any portfolio is not allocated to any cabinet member, the Prime Minister may retain it.KEEP READING

National Human Right Commission

Being human, there are certain rights like the right to life, right to dignity, right to livelihood, and many others. Human rights are moral rights. They are universal rights. It is observed that the rights don’t serve the purpose unless they are protected. For the protection of human rights, there have been conventions, summits, and formation of commissions.

This is the reason for the creation of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) and the State Human Rights Commission (SHRC).KEEP READING

Timeline of Jammu and Kashmir

(1) On 26th Oct 1947, the Instrument of Accession was signed between the Government of India and Hari Singh, who was the Maharaja of Jammu and Kashmir. It was agreed that Jammu and Kashmir would become a part of India.

(2) On 17th Oct 1949, Article 370 was incorporated in the Constitution of India. According to this, Jammu and Kashmir was given a different Constitution and different Flag from India.KEEP READING

RTI Act, 2005 WritingLaw

RIGHT TO INFORMATION ACT, 2005 An Act to provide for setting out the practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, the constitution of aKEEP READING

Stand for corruption WL

The Central Vigilance Commission’s efforts to promote probity in public life and to achieve corruption free India. The week in which 31st October — the birthday of late Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel falls, is observed as Vigilance Awareness Week. The observance of Vigilance Awareness Week renews our commitment to achieve theKEEP READING