Composition, Aims and Objectives of Niti Aayog

In the year 2014, the government replaced the Planning Commission with a body called Niti Aayog. NITI stands for ‘National Institution for Transforming India.’

Niti Aayog is neither a constitutional body nor a statutory body but the outcome of an executive resolution. It was not created by the act of parliament.

The government was of the view that with the changing norms and structure of the Indian economy, it is necessary to take a step forward and modalise the organisations for better working in this competitive era.KEEP READING

Indian Flag

Sedition is an offence defined in Section 124 A of the IPC.

As per this definition anyone who brings or attempts to bring into hatred or contempt or excites or attempts to excite disaffection towards the Government by words spoken or written or by signs or by visible representation or otherwise is guilty of the offence of sedition.KEEP READING