Chapter VII (76-123) of Indian Contract Act – SALE OF GOODS Sale of Goods – Sections 76-123 [Repealed by the Sale of Goods Act, 1930 (3 of 1930) sec 65] Read Contract Act in a systematic way. Read Contract Act each section wise. Download beautiful, mobile friendly Contract Act PDF.KEEP READING

124. “Contract of indemnity” defined. A contract by which one party promises to save the other from loss caused to him by the contract of the promisor himself, or by the conduct of any other person, is called a “contract of indemnity“. Illustration- A contracts to indemnify B against theKEEP READING

125. Right of indemnity-holder when sued. The promisee in a contract of indemnity, acting within the scope of his authority, is entitled to recover from the promisor-  (1) all damages which he may be compelled to pay in any suit in respect of any matter to which the promise toKEEP READING

126. “Contract of guarantee”, “surety”, “principal debtor” and “creditor”. A “contract of guarantee” is a contract to perform the promise, or discharge the liability, of a third person in case of his default. The person who gives the guarantee is called the “surety“, the person in respect of whose defaultKEEP READING

127. Consideration for guarantee. Anything done, or any promise made, for the benefit of the principal debtor, may be a sufficient consideration to the surety for giving the guarantee. Illustrations- (a) B requests A to sell and deliver to him goods on credit. A agrees to do so, provided CKEEP READING

128. Surety’s liability. The liability of the surety is co-extensive with that of the principal debtor, unless it is otherwise provided by the contract. Illustration- A guarantees to B the payment of a bill of exchange by C, the acceptor. The bill is dishonoured by C. A is liable notKEEP READING

129. Continuing guarantee. A guarantee which extends to a series of transaction, is called a “continuing guarantee“. Illustrations- (a) A, in consideration that B will employ C in collecting the rents of B’s zamindari, promises B to be responsible, to the amount of 5,000 rupees, for the due collection andKEEP READING

130. Revocation of continuing guarantee. A continuing guarantee may at any time be revoked by the surety, as to future transactions, by notice to the creditor. Illustrations- (a) A, in consideration of B’s discounting, at, A’s request, bills of exchange for C, guarantees to B, for twelve months, the dueKEEP READING

131. Revocation of continuing guarantee by surety’ death. The death of the surety operates, in the absence of any contract to the contrary, as a revocation of ma continuing guarantee, so far as regards future transactions. Read Contract Act in a systematic way. Read Contract Act each section wise. DownloadKEEP READING

132. Liability of two persons, primarily liable, not affected by arrangement between them that one shall be surety on other’s default. Where two persons contract with third person to undertake a certain liability, and also contract with each other that one of them shall be liable only on the defaultKEEP READING

133. Discharge of surety by variance in terms of contract. Any variance made without the surety’s consent, in the terms of the contract between the principal debtor and the creditor, discharges the surety as to transactions subsequent to the variance. Illustrations- (a) A becomes surety to C for B’s conductKEEP READING

134. Discharge of surety by release or discharge of principal debtor. The surety is discharged by any contract between the creditor and the principal debtor, by which the principal debtor is released, or by any act or omission of the creditor, the legal consequence of which is the discharge ofKEEP READING

135. Discharge of surety when creditor compounds with, gives time to, or agrees not to sue, principal debtor. A contract between the creditor and the principal debtor, by which the creditor make a composition with, or promises to give time, or not to sue, the principal debtor, discharges the surety,KEEP READING

136. Surety not discharged when agreement made with third person to give time to principal debtor. Where a contract to give time to the principal debtor is made by the creditor with a third person, and not with the principal debtor, the surety is not discharged.  Illustration- C, the holderKEEP READING

137. Creditor’s forbearance to sue does not discharge surety. Mere forbearance on the part of the creditor to sue the principal debtor or to enforce any other remedy against him, dies not, in the absence of any provision in the guarantee to the contrary, discharge the surety. Illustration- B owesKEEP READING

138. Release of one co-surety does not discharge other. Where there are co-sureties, a release by the creditor of one of them does not discharge the others neither does set free the surety so released from his responsibility to the other sureties. Read Contract Act in a systematic way. ReadKEEP READING