171. General lien of bankers, factors, wharfinger, attorneys and policy brokers. Bankers, factor, wharfingers, attorneys of a High Court and policy brokers may, in the absence of a contract to the contrary, retain as a security for a general balance of account, any goods bailed to them; but no otherKEEP READING

172. “Pledge”, “Pawnor”, and “Pawnee” defined. The bailment of goods as security for payment of a debt or performance of a promise is called “pledge“. The bailor is in this case called “pawnor“. The bailee is called “pawnee“. Law Note: What Is Pledge Under the Indian Contract Act? Read ContractKEEP READING

173. Pawnee’s right of retainer. The pawnee may retain the goods pledged, not only for payment of the debt or the performance of the promise, but for the interests of the debt, and all necessary expenses incurred by him in respect to the possession or for the preservation of theKEEP READING

174. Pawnee not to retain for debt or promise other than for which goods pledged – presumption in case of subsequent advances. The pawnee shall not, in the absence of a contract to that effect, retain the goods pledged for any debt or promise of other than the debtor promiseKEEP READING

175. Pawnee’s right as to extraordinary expenses incurred. The pawnee is entitled to receive from the pawnor extraordinary expenses incurred by him for the preservation of the goods pledged. Read Contract Act in a systematic way. Download beautiful, mobile friendly Contract Act PDF.KEEP READING

176. Pawnee’s right where pawnor makes default. If the pawnor makes default in payment of the debt, or performance, at the stipulated time, or the promise, in respect of which the goods were pledged, the pawnee may bring as suit against the pawnor upon the debt or promise, and retainKEEP READING

177. Defaulting pawnor’s right to redeem. If a time is stipulated for the payment of the debt, or performance of the promise, for which the pledged is made, and the pawnor makes default in payment of the debt or performance of the promise at the stipulated time, he may redeemKEEP READING

178. Pledge by mercantile agent. Where a mercantile agent is, with the consent of the owner, in possession of goods or the documents of title to goods, any pledge made by him, when acting in the ordinary course of business of a mercantile agent, shall be as valid as ifKEEP READING

178A. Pledge by person in possession under voidable contract. When the pawnor has obtained possession of the other goods pledged by him under a contract voidable under Section 19 or Section 19A, but the contract has not been rescinded at the time of the pledge, the pawnee acquired a goodsKEEP READING

179. Pledge where pawnor has only a limited interest. Where person pledges goods in which he has only a limited interest, the pledge is valid to the extent of that interest. Read Contract Act in a systematic way. Download beautiful, mobile friendly Contract Act PDF.KEEP READING

180. Suit by bailor or bailee against wrong-doer. If a third person wrongfully deprives the bailee of the use of possession of goods bailed, or does them any injury, the bailee is entitled to use such remedies as the owner might have used in the like case if no bailmentKEEP READING

181. Appointment of relief or compensation obtained by such suit. Whatever is obtained by way of relief of compensation in any such suit shall, as between the bailor and the bailee, be dealt with according to their respective interests. Read Contract Act in a systematic way. Read Contract Act eachKEEP READING

186. Agent’s authority may be expressed or implied. The authority of an agent may be expressed or implied. Read Contract Act in a systematic way. Read Contract Act each section wise. Download beautiful, mobile friendly Contract Act PDF.KEEP READING

187. Definitions of express and implied. An authority is said to be express when it is given by words spoken or written. An authority is said to be implied when it is to be inferred from the circumstances of the case; and things spoken or written, or the ordinary courseKEEP READING

188. Extent of agent’s authority. An agent, having an authority to do an act, has authority do every lawful thing which is necessary in order to do so such act. An agent having an authority to carry on a business, has authority to do every lawful thing necessary for theKEEP READING

190. When agent cannot delegate. An agent cannot lawful employ another to perform acts which he has expressly or impliedly undertaken to perform personally, unless by the ordinary custom of trade a sub-agent may, or, from the nature or agency, a sub-agent must, be employed. Read Contract Act in a systematicKEEP READING