ORDER XLV of CIVIL PROCEDURE CODE (CPC) – APPEALS TO THE SUPREME COURT 1. “Decree” defined. In this Order, unless there is something repugnant in the subject or context, the expression “decree” shall include a final order. 2. Application to Court whose complained of. (1) Whoever desires to appeal theKEEP READING


ORDER 46 of CIVIL PROCEDURE CODE (CPC) – REFERENCE. 1. Reference of question to High Court. Where, before or on the hearing of a suit or an appeal in which the decree is not subject to appeal, or where, in the execution of any such decree, any question of lawKEEP READING


ORDER XLVII of CIVIL PROCEDURE CODE (CPC) – REVIEW. 1. Application for review of judgment. (1) Any person considering himself aggrieved- (a) by a decree or order from which an appeal is allowed, but from which no appeal has been preferred, (b) by a decree or order from which noKEEP READING


ORDER XLVIII of CIVIL PROCEDURE CODE (CPC) – MISCELLANEOUS. 1. Process to be served at expense of party issuing. (1) Every process issued under this Code shall be served at the expense of the party on whose behalf it is issued, unless the Court otherwise directs. (2) Costs of service-KEEP READING


ORDER XLIX of CIVIL PROCEDURE CODE (CPC) – CHARTERED HIGH COURTS. 1. Who may serve processes of High Court. Notice to produce documents, summonses to witnesses, and every other judicial process, issued in the exercise of the original civil jurisdiction of the High Court, and of its matrimonial, testamentary andKEEP READING


ORDER L of CIVIL PROCEDURE CODE (CPC) – PROVINCIAL SMALL CAUSE COURTS. 1. Provincial Small Cause Courts. The provisions hereinafter specified shall not extend to Courts constituted under the Provincial Small Cause Courts Act, 1887 (9 of 1887) or under the Berar Small Cause Courts Law, 1905 or to CourtsKEEP READING