Order 4A Civil Procedure Code CPC

1. Consolidation of suits and proceedings.
When two or more suits or proceedings are pending in the same Court, and the Court is of opinion that it is expedient in the interest of justice, it may by order direct their joint trial, where upon all such suits and proceedings may be decided upon the evidence in all or any of such suits or proceedings.KEEP READING


ORDER VI of CIVIL PROCEDURE CODE (CPC) – PLEADINGS GENERALLY 1. Pleading. “Pleading“, shall mean plaint or written statement. 2. Pleading to state material facts and not evidence. (1) Every pleading shall contain, and contain only a statement in a concise form of the material facts on which the partyKEEP READING


ORDER VII of CIVIL PROCEDURE CODE (CPC) – PLAINT 1. Particulars to be contained in plaint. The plaint shall contain the following particulars- (a) the name of the Court in which the suit is brought; (b) the name, description and place of residence of the plaintiff; (c) the name, descriptionKEEP READING


ORDER XI of CIVIL PROCEDURE CODE (CPC) – DISCOVERY AND INSPECTION 1. Discovery by interrogatories. In any suit the plaintiff or defendant by leave of the Court may deliver interrogatories in writing for the examination of the opposite parties or any one or more of such parties and such interrogatoriesKEEP READING


ORDER XII of CIVIL PROCEDURE CODE (CPC) – ADMISSION 1. Notice of admission of case. Any party to a suit may give notice, by his pleading, or otherwise in writing, that he admits the truth of the whole or any part of the case of any other party. 2. NoticeKEEP READING


ORDER XVII of CIVIL PROCEDURE CODE (CPC) – ADJOURNMENTS 1. Court may grant time and adjourn hearing. (1) The Court may, if sufficient cause is shown, at any stage of the suit grant time to the parties or to any of them, and may from time to time adjourn theKEEP READING