Order II Rule 2, Frame of Suit

Order II of the Civil Procedure Code deals with the framing of suit. It lays down the rules as to how a suit should be framed.

While drafting a plaint, the plaintiff must draft his plaint in such a way that includes all the important assertions and the claims that the plaintiff wishes to put before the court.KEEP READING


An Act to consolidate and amend the laws relating to the procedure of the Courts of Civil Judicature. WHEREAS it is expedient to consolidate and amend the laws relating to the procedure of the Courts of Civil Judicature; it is hereby enacted as follows- PRELIMINARY – SECTION 1 to 8KEEP READING


EXECUTION – PART II – Section 36 to 74 – CIVIL PROCEDURE CODE (CPC) General Section 36. Application to orders. The provisions of this Code relating to the execution of decree (including provisions relating to payment under a decree) shall, so far as they are applicable, be deemed to applyKEEP READING


APPEALS – PART VII, Section 96-112 of CIVIL PROCEDURE CODE (CPC) Appeals from original decrees Section 96. Appeal from original decree. (1) Save where otherwise expressly provided in the body of this Code or by any other law for the time being in force, an appeal shall lie from everyKEEP READING


RULES – PART X, Section 121-131 of CIVIL PROCEDURE CODE (CPC) Section 121. Effect of rules in First Schedule. The rules in First Schedule shall have effect as if enacted in the body of this Code until annulled or altered in accordance with the provisions of this Part. Section 122.KEEP READING


MISCELLANEOUS – PART XI, Section 132-158 of CIVIL PROCEDURE CODE (CPC) Section 132. Exemption of certain women from personal appearance. (1) Women who, according to the customs and manners of the country, ought not to be compelled to appear in public shall be exempt from personal appearance in Court. (2) NothingKEEP READING


ORDER I of CIVIL PROCEDURE CODE (CPC) – PARTIES TO SUITS 1. Who may be joined as plaintiffs. All persons may be joined in one suit as plaintiffs where- (a) any right to relief in respect of, or arising out of, the same act or transaction or series of actsKEEP READING


ORDER II of CIVIL PROCEDURE CODE (CPC) – FRAME OF SUIT 1. Frame of suit. Every suit shall as far as practicable be framed so as to afford ground for final decision upon the subjects in dispute and to prevent further litigation concerning them. 2. Suit to include the wholeKEEP READING