2. Preliminary decree in foreclosure suit.
(1) In a suit for foreclosure, if the plaintiff succeeds, the Court shall pass a preliminary decree-
(a) ordering that an account be taken of what was due to the plaintiff at the date of such decree for-
(i) principal and interest on the mortgage,
(ii) the costs of suit, if any, awarded to him, and
(iii) other costs, charges and expenses properly incurred by him up to that date in respect of his mortgage- security, together with interest thereon; or
(b) declaring the mount so due at that date, and
(c) directing-
(i) that, if the defendant pays into Court the amount so found or declared due on or before such date as the Court may fix within six months from the date on which the Court confirms and countersigns the account taken under clause (a), or from the date on which such amount is declared in Court under clause (b), as the case may be, and thereafter pays such amount as may be adjudged due in respect of subsequent costs, charges and expenses as provided in rule 10, together with subsequent interest on such sums respectively as provided in rule 11, the plaintiff shall deliver up to the defendant, or to such person as the defendant appoints, all documents in his possession or power relating to the mortgaged property, and shall, if so required, re-transfer the property to the defendant at his cost free from the mortgage and from all incumbrances created by the plaintiff or any person claiming under him, or, where the plaintiff claims by derived title, by those under whom he claims, and shall also, if necessary, put the defendant in possession of the property; and
(ii) that, if payment of the amount found or declared due under or by the preliminary decree is not made on or before the date so fixed, or the defendant fails to pay, within such time as the Court may fix the amount adjudged due in respect of subsequent costs, charges, expenses and interest, the plaintiff shall be entitled to apply for a final decree debarring the defendant from all right to redeem the property.
(2) The Court may, on good cause shown and upon terms to be fixed by the Court, from time to time, at any time before a final decree is passed, extend the time fixed for the payment of the amount found or declared due under sub-rule (1) or of the amount adjudged due in respect of subsequent costs, charges, expenses and interest.
(3) Where, in a suit for foreclosure, subsequent mortgagees or persons deriving title from, or subrogated to the rights, of any such mortgagees are joined as parties, the preliminary decree shall provide for the adjudication of the respective rights and liabilities of the parties to the suit in the manner and form set forth in Form No. 9 or Form No. 10 as the case may be, of Appendix D with such variations as the circumstances of the case may require.
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