Adding case laws to an answer makes it more impressive and leaves a good impact on the teacher. It shows that a student has prepared well. There are many topics in a particular law subject, and each requires at least two to three cases to be remembered.
During exam preparation, reading case laws make a student learn the law more practically. Students rightly complain that they feel difficulty remembering them. They wonder what if I forget essential case laws while writing the answer, or how will I remember so many case laws? Therefore, to decrease anxiety, here are a few tips to keep in mind.
6 Tips to Remember Case Laws
1. Always remember that each case law is not relevant.
2. From every subject, be it the Constitution or the Indian Penal Code, there are approximately 40 to 50 essential case laws, not more than that.
3. The number of important case laws varies from subject to subject. Like in the Constitution, which is a bulky subject, there are around 50 crucial case laws. Whereas the Indian Evidence Act, which is a short act, has approximately 30 essential case laws.
4. Prepare a list of famous case laws and read them again and again. Don’t burden your mind by mugging them up. Never train yourself this way. Just make a habit of looking at case laws every day or every alternate day.
5. Use a notebook to write the names of the cases and a gist of one or two lines having what the court propounded in that case. Writing makes it easier to keep in mind for longer durations.
6. Instead of the court that handled the case, or the year, make sure to remember the final judgement.
What If You Don’t Remember Case Laws
Sometimes, even after practice, you may not remember case laws. While writing an exam, even if you forget the name of a case, you may simply write its verdict or what the court held in that case. The title of a case is not essential. If you write it, then it’s good, but if you don’t specify the name, then too it is all okay. The main thing to mention is the judgment of a case and not its name or year.
Practice To Keep Case Laws In Mind
See, there is no actual trick to remembering case laws, except studying smartly and studying repeatedly! Nobody can give you a tonic that you can drink and instantly start murmuring case laws fluently. It is never like this!
The only thing you can make sure is to focus on things that matter. Cut the unnecessary ones from your study arena. It is better to understand and remember fewer amounts of cases perfectly than to vaguely know about many.
When you know a fact dimly, outside the exam hall, you feel, yes, I will write about this! But when you have the answer sheet and pen in your hand, you may become clueless.
One practice that can overcome this sad situation is writing when studying. When you write for months during your preparation, the same is reflected when you are in the exam hall. Things become easy, and your pen starts flowing naturally. Always remember, a pen is mightier than the mind!
Read Next:
1. What Are Case Comments and Their Significance in Legal Analysis?
2. Importance of Case Analysis and Understanding of Cases in Legal Studies
3. What Do You Mean by Citation of Cases?
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