Estate Planning

Estate planning is a crucial part of financial and legal planning, yet it is often neglected or delayed by many individuals.

Estate planning is preparing legal documents that outline how a person’s assets will be distributed after they pass away. This includes a will, trust, power of attorney, and other legal documents.

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Estate planning may seem discouraging or unpleasant, but it is a critical step that everyone should take to ensure their wishes are carried out and their loved ones are protected.

Why Everyone Should Have a Will and Trust

One of the most important reasons everyone should have a will and trust is to ensure their assets are distributed according to their wishes.

If a will is not there, the distribution of assets is determined by state law, which may not align with a person’s wishes or intentions.

There are also emotional benefits. By taking the time to create an estate plan, individuals can provide peace of mind for themselves and their loved ones. They can feel secure knowing their wishes will be respected and their affairs are in order. For families, estate planning can help avoid disputes and tension by clarifying the intentions of the deceased.


A will allows individuals to choose who will manage their estate, serve as guardians for their children, and designate beneficiaries for their assets. This can help avoid disputes and ensure that assets are distributed fairly and efficiently.

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Another benefit is that the special instruction shall be followed as instructed in the will. It also gives quicker access to properties or benefits to their inheritance without any external conflict or pressure.

Note: At present, the Indian Succession Act of 1925 is followed in cases of intestacy (a situation in which a person dies without a valid will or declaration of his assets).


A trust is a special agreement where someone takes care of things for others. A trust can also be a valuable tool in estate planning, particularly for individuals with significant assets or complex family situations. Unlike a will, a trust can provide greater control over how assets are distributed and can offer more privacy and flexibility. A trust can help minimize estate taxes and avoid the probate process, which can be time-consuming and expensive.

Power of Attorney

The designation of a power of attorney is another essential aspect of estate planning. This legal document appoints an individual to make decisions on behalf of a person if he becomes incapacitated or unable to make decisions for him. These decisions are related to medical care, finances, and other important matters. By designating a power of attorney, individuals can ensure that their wishes are respected and that their affairs are handled appropriately.

Consequences of Not Having an Estate Plan

While estate planning may seem like something that only wealthy individuals or those with complicated family situations need to worry about, the reality is that everyone can benefit from having an estate plan in place.

Failing to plan assets can have serious consequences for both individuals and their loved ones. For example, without a will or trust, a person’s assets may be tied up in probate court for months or even years, delaying the distribution of assets to beneficiaries.

Without a power of attorney, decisions related to medical care and finances may be left to family members or even the court, which can be stressful and confusing for all involved.

Individuals with modest assets can benefit from having a will and other legal documents in place. Others may believe that estate planning is expensive or time-consuming, but in reality, the cost and time involved in creating an estate plan are often minimal compared to the potential benefits.


Estate planning is a critical aspect of financial and legal planning that everyone should prioritize. By creating a will, trust, power of attorney, and other legal documents, individuals can ensure that their wishes are carried out and their loved ones are protected. The consequences of failing to plan can be serious, expensive, time-consuming and far-reaching.

Bhanu Choudhary
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