60A. Obligation to transfer to third party instead of re-transference to mortgagor. (1) Where a mortgagor is entitled to redemption, then, on the fulfilment of any conditions on the fulfilment of which he would be entitled to require a re-transfer, he may require the mortgagee, instead of re-transferring the property,KEEP READING

60B. Right to inspection and production of documents. A mortgagor, as long as his right of redemption subsists, shall be entitled at all reasonable times, at his request and at his own cost, and on payment of the mortgagee’s costs and expenses in this behalf, to inspect and make copiesKEEP READING

61. Right to redeem separately or simultaneously. A mortgagor who has executed two or more mortgages in favour of the same mortgagee shall, in the absence of a contract to the contrary, when the principal money of any two or more of the mortgages has become due, be entitled toKEEP READING

62. Right of usufructuary mortgagor to recover possession. In the case of a usufructuary mortgage, the mortgagor has a right to recover possession of the property together with the mortgage-deed and all documents relating to the mortgaged property which are in the possession or power of the mortgagee,- (a) whereKEEP READING

63. Accession to mortgaged property. Where mortgaged property in possession of the mortgagee has, during the continuance of the mortgage, received any accession, the mortgagor, upon redemption shall, in the absence of a contract to the contrary, be entitled as against the mortgagee to such accession. Accession acquired in virtueKEEP READING

63A. Improvements to mortgaged property. (1) Where mortgaged property in possession of the mortgagee has, during the continuance of the mortgage, been improved, the mortgagor, upon redemption, shall, in the absence of a contract to the contrary, be entitled to the improvement; and the mortgagor shall not, save only inKEEP READING

64. Renewal of mortgaged lease. Where the mortgaged property is a lease, and the mortgagee obtains a renewal of the lease, the mortgagor, upon redemption, shall, in the absence of a contract by him to the contrary, have the benefit of the new lease. Transfer of Property Act full bareKEEP READING

65. Implied contracts by mortgagor. In the absence of a contract to the contrary, the mortgagor shall be deemed to contract with the mortgagee,- (a) that the interest which the mortgagor professes to transfer to the mortgagee subsists, and that the mortgagor has power to transfer the same; (b) thatKEEP READING

65A. Mortgagor’s power to lease. (1) Subject to the provisions of sub-section (2), a mortgagor, while lawfully in possession of the mortgaged property, shall have power to make leases thereof which shall be binding on the mortgagee. (2) (a) Every such lease shall be such as would be made inKEEP READING

66. Waste by mortgagor in possession. A mortgagor in possession of the mortgaged property is not liable to the mortgagee for allowing the property to deteriorate; but he must not commit any act which is destructive or permanently injurious thereto, if the security is insufficient or will be rendered insufficientKEEP READING

RIGHTS AND LIABILITIES OF MORTGAGEE 67. Right to fore-closure or sale. In the absence of a contract to the contrary, the mortgagee has, at any time after the mortgage-money has become due to him, and before a decree has been made for the redemption of the mortgaged property, or theKEEP READING

67A. Mortgagee when bound to bring one suit on several mortgages. A mortgagee who holds two or more mortgages executed by the same mortgagor in respect of each of which he has a right to obtain the same kind of decree under section 67, and who sues to obtain suchKEEP READING

68. Right to sue for mortgage-money. (1) The mortgagee has a right to sue for the mortgage-money in the following cases and no others, namely- (a) where the mortgagor binds himself to repay the same; (b) where, by any cause other than the wrongful act or default of the mortgagorKEEP READING

69. Power of sale when valid. (1) A mortgagee, or any person acting on his behalf, shall, subject to the provisions of this section have power to sell or concur in selling the mortgaged property or any part thereof, in default of payment of the mortgage-money, without the intervention ofKEEP READING

69A. Appointment of receiver. (1) A mortgagee having the right to exercise a power of sale under section 69 shall, subject to the provisions of sub-section (2), be entitled to appoint, by writing signed by him or on his behalf, a receiver of the income of the mortgaged property orKEEP READING

70. Accession to mortgaged property. If, after the date of a mortgage, any accession is made to the mortgaged property, the mortgagee, in the absence of a contract to the contrary, shall, for the purposes of the security, be entitled to such accession. Illustrations (a) A mortgages to B aKEEP READING