Complaint, FIR, Investigation, Inquiry, and Trial Under CrPC
Difference Between Complaint and FIR
Difference Between Trial and Inquiry
Difference Between Investigation and InquiryKEEP READING
Short Law Notes on important law topics that will help you prepare for 10 marks and 20 marks answer for your semester exams and competitive law exams like CLAT, Judiciary, etc. These notes only have so much content that is needed for exams!
Difference Between Complaint and FIR
Difference Between Trial and Inquiry
Difference Between Investigation and InquiryKEEP READING
Direct Evidence
It means any fact which without the intervention of any other fact proves the existence of a fact in issue.
A is tried for causing grievous hurt to B with a club. C deposes to the fact that he saw the accused, inflicting the blow, which caused the grievous hurt. The evidence adduced (mentioned, pointed out, cite as evidence) by C is direct evidence.KEEP READING
Chapter VI of Partnership Act, 1932 talks about dissolution of a partnership firm.
The first step in the process of dissolution is to give public notice of it.
Dissolution of a Firm: Section 39KEEP READING
What is Lease?
Lease is a transfer of possession.
Section 105 of Transfer of Property Act defines lease.
A lease is not a transfer of ownership of property, but only possession is given for a certain time.KEEP READING
1. There must be two parties.
2. The proposal must be certain.
3. The offer must be communicated.
Related Case: Balfour vs. Balfour
4. There must be an intention to create a legal relationship.
Related Case: Lalman Shukla vs. Gauri DuttKEEP READING
Acceptance in Contract Act
Proposal + Acceptance = Promise
According to section 2(b) of the Indian Contract Act, when the person to whom the proposal is made signifies his assent thereto (to that), the proposal is said to be accepted.KEEP READING
There cannot be any direct transfer to an unborn person.
An unborn person means a person who is not in existence even in the mother’s womb.
For the transfer to an unborn person, the following three rules must be followedKEEP READING
Posthumous Child In Succession: Section 20 of the Hindu Succession Act recognizes the posthumous child as an heir in intestate succession.
It means the child who was in the womb at the time of death of intestate who is subsequently born alive shall have the same right to inherit to intestate as if he or she had been born before the death of intestate and the inheritance shall be deemed to vest in such a case from the date of death of the intestate.KEEP READING
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1. Dr. B. R Ambedkar, the chief architect of the constitution of India is also known as a ‘Modern Manu’.
2. Lord Mountbatten became the first governor general of the new dominion of India.
3. Constituent assembly adopted the national flag on July 22, 1947.KEEP READING
1. A trial is always for an offence. An inquiry does not necessarily relate to only offences.
2. A trial ends in acquittal or conviction of an accused. An inquiry into a offence never ends in a conviction or acquittal.
3. Trial is the examination and determination of cause by a judicial tribunal. Inquiry includes every inquiry other than a trial conducted by magistrate or court.KEEP READING
According to section 265C of CrPC, in working out a mutually satisfactory disposition, the court shall follow the following procedure.
When a case is instituted on a police report, the court shall issue notice to the public prosecutor, the P.O/I.O (police officer/investigating officer) who has investigated the case, the accused and the victim of the case to participate in the meeting to work our a satisfactory disposition of the case.KEEP READING
1. Offence where punishment is not more than 7 years.
2. The offence which are not against the women and children.
3. The offence which does not affect the socio-economic condition of the country.
The central government has determined the offences which are affecting the socio economic condition of country-
Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961KEEP READING
1. An investigation is made by a police officer or by some person authorised by a magistrate.
1. An inquiry is made by magistrate or court.
Investigation is never made by magistrate or court.KEEP READING
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