Extortion in the Indian Penal Code

Extortion is defined in section 383, chapter XVII of the Indian Penal Code. It is an offence against property. To understand what amounts to extortion, certain essential elements are required to be fulfilled.

Any person who commits an offence of extortion shall be punished for imprisonment up to three years or fine or both. It is a cognizable and non-bailable offence.KEEP READING

Confession in Police Custody

The main issue of concern is whether a confession given to police officer is admissible or not, and what is the relevancy of confession given to police.

Section 25 of the Indian Evidence Act says that a confession made to a police officer is not admissible in the eyes of the law and cannot be proved against the person who made that confession.KEEP READING

Regulating Act, 1773

The history of Indian constitutional development began from passing of the Regulating Act, 1773. It was passed by the British parliament to regulate the increasing corruption in the East India Company.

The motive behind passing this Act was to control the activities of the East India Company under the control of the British government.KEEP READING

Amendment of Pleadings in Civil Procedure Code

At any stage of proceedings, the court may allow the plaintiff or defendant to amend his pleadings. The amendment to pleadings shall be made necessary if it determines the real questions in controversy among parties.

The amendments made under Order VI, Rule 17, are voluntary amendments for ratifying one’s own error or default.KEEP READING

Order II Rule 2, Frame of Suit

Order II of the Civil Procedure Code deals with the framing of suit. It lays down the rules as to how a suit should be framed.

While drafting a plaint, the plaintiff must draft his plaint in such a way that includes all the important assertions and the claims that the plaintiff wishes to put before the court.KEEP READING

What is Wakf

Wakf literally means tying up or detention. The one who makes Waqf is called Wakif. Deed is Wakf-nama.

According to the accepted view, Wakf is the detention of the property in the ownership of God.

Quran is silent regarding Wakf, but Quran does say something about charity.KEEP READING