Section 53 of Transfer of Property Act. Every owner of property has right to transfer his property as he likes.

But the transfer must be made with a bonafide intention. Where the transfer is made with fraudulent intention, it means with the intention of defeating the interest of creditor or interest of any subsequent transferee. Where the transfer is made with fraudulent intention, the object of the transfer would be bad in the eyes of equity and justice; though it is valid in law.KEEP READING

Difference between Public and Private Documents

1. Section 74 of the Indian Evidence Act defines public documents –

Documents forming the act or records of sovereign authority namely Parliament, Legislative Assemblies, official bodies, tribunals, public officers or any part of India or of Commonwealth or foreign country.

Section 75 says that all other documents other than public and private documents.KEEP READING

Pleading under CPC - Easy Definition, Object, Importance, and Basic Rule

Pleading is the foundation of litigation. Pleading has been dealt with in Order 6 of the Civil Procedure Code. Order 6 Rule 1 of CPC defines pleadings as plaint or written statement.

The word ‘plaint’ is undefined in the code. However, it can be said to be the statement of claim – a document that contains the material fact by the presentation of which a suit is instituted in the court of law.KEEP READING

Privileged Communications under the Indian Evidence Act

Evidence plays an integral part in a trial as it helps in reaching a conclusion and deliver a judgement. Evidence can be oral, documentary or in electronic form. A witness can be testified on any event that he has seen or heard.

Certain communications are protected and cannot be adduced as evidence, and are known as privileged communications. Let us learn more.KEEP READING

What is Criminal and Civil Contempt of Court - with Example, Punishment, Remedy, Appeal, Limitation, and Latest Case Laws

Any act done with an intention to disrespect or tarnish the image of the court or willful disobedience to any court order, judgement or decree can be defined as contempt of court.

Our Constitution has not precisely defined contempt of court, but according to Article 129, the Supreme Court has the power to punish for its contempt. Article 215 confers comparable powers to High Courts.KEEP READING

Lifting of Corporate Veil

A company is distinct from its members. It is a separate legal entity. There is, consequently, a veil between a corporation and its members, keeping them both detached from each other for better legal clarity in terms of overriding rights, duties and obligations. Nevertheless, occasionally it becomes obligatory to lift this veil, neglect the corporation’s distinct corporate entity, and discover the authenticity of the company.KEEP READING

Important Terms in Muslim Law

Muslim law is a part of personal laws or family laws. It is not a codified law. People belonging to Islam are governed through shariyat. While studying, there are many terminologies and terms which are difficult to be understood. Most of the terms are in Arab, but it is not that difficult.

Important Terms in Muslim Law

1. Ayyam-e-jahiliya- It refers to the pre-Islamic era.KEEP READING