Transgender Persons Protection of Rights Act - Analysis, Key Points, Cases, Criticism

The Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act, 2019, was enacted to safeguard the rights of transgender people.

It was introduced on 19th July 2019 by the Minister of Social Justice and Empowerment, Mr Thawarchand Gehlot. The Bill received presidential assent on 5th December 2019, and the Act has been in effect since 10th January 2020.KEEP READING

Cross Examination in Court

Some Effective Tips for Cross-Examination

1. Please keep it simple.
2. Keep it short.
3. Only ask questions that help you.
4. Avoid open-ended questions.
5. You should know when to quit.
6. Build perfect timings for a sensible move.KEEP READING

Mediation in European Union

Mediation can provide a cost-effective and quick extrajudicial resolution of disputes in civil and commercial matters through processes tailored to the needs of the parties.

Agreements resulting from mediation are more likely to be complied with voluntarily and are more likely to preserve an amicable and sustainable relationship between the parties. These benefits become even more pronounced in situations displaying cross-border elements.KEEP READING

Section 377 India

In a landmark verdict Navtej Singh Johar & ors vs Union of India the Supreme Court today scrapped the controversial Section 377; a 157 year old colonial law on consensual gay sex.

The Supreme Court reversed its own decision and said Section 377 is irrational and arbitrary.KEEP READING