69. Termination of imprisonment on payment of proportional part of fine. If, before the expiration of the term of imprisonment fixed in default of payment, such a proportion of the fine be paid or levied that the term of imprisonment suffered in default of payment is not less than proportionalKEEP READING

70. Fine leviable within six years or during imprisonment—Death not to discharge property from liability. The fine, or any part thereof which remains unpaid, may be levied at any time within six years after the passing of the sentence, and if, under the sentence, the offender be liable to imprisonmentKEEP READING

71. Limit of punishment of offence made up of several offences. Where anything which is an offence is made up of parts, any of which parts is itself an offence, the offender shall not be punished with the punishment of more than one of such his offences, unless it beKEEP READING

72. Punishment of person guilty of one of several offences, the judgment stating that it is doubtful of which. In all cases in which judgment is given that a person is guilty of one of several offences specified in the judgment, but that it is doubtful of which of theseKEEP READING

73. Solitary confinement. Whenever any person is convicted of an offence for which under this Code the Court has power to sentence him to rigorous imprisonment, the Court may, by its sentence, order that the offender shall be kept in solitary confinement for any portion or portions of the imprisonmentKEEP READING

74. Limit of solitary confinement. In executing a sentence of solitary confinement, such confinement shall in no case exceed fourteen days at a time, with intervals between the periods of solitary confinement of not less duration than such periods; and when the imprisonment awarded shall exceed three months, the solitaryKEEP READING

75. Enhanced punishment for certain offences under Chapter XII or Chapter XVII after previous conviction. Whoever, having been convicted,- (a) by a court in India, of an offence punishable under Chapter XII or Chapter XVII of this Code with imprisonment of either description for a term of three years orKEEP READING

76. Act done by a person bound, or by mistake of fact believing himself bound, by law. Nothing is an offence, which is done by a person who is, or who by reason of a mistake of fact and not by reason of a mistake of law in good faithKEEP READING

77. Act of Judge when acting judicially. Nothing is an offence which is done by a Judge when acting judicially in the exercise of any power which is, or which in good faith he believes to be, given to him by law. Read Indian Penal Code (IPC) in a betterKEEP READING

78. Act done pursuant to the judgment or order of Court. Nothing which is done in pursuance of, or which is warranted by the judgment or order of, a Court of Justice; if done whilst such judgment or order remains in force, is an offence, notwithstanding the Court may haveKEEP READING

79. Act done by a person justified, or by mistake of fact believing himself justified, by law. Nothing is an offence which is done by any person who is justified by law, or who by reason of a mistake of fact and not by reason of a mistake of lawKEEP READING

80. Accident in doing a lawful act. Nothing is an offence, which is done by accident or misfortune, and without any criminal intention or knowledge in the doing of a lawful act in a lawful manner by lawful means and with proper care and caution. Illustration- A is at workKEEP READING

81. Act likely to cause harm, but done without criminal intent, and to prevent other harm. Nothing is an offence merely by reason of its being done with the knowledge that it is likely to cause harm, if it be done without any criminal intention to cause harm, and inKEEP READING

82. Act of a child under seven years of age. Nothing is an offence which is done by a child under seven years of age. Read Indian Penal Code (IPC) in a better and systematic way. Read IPC each section wise. Download beautiful, colourful, mobile friendly PDF for IPC.KEEP READING

83. Act of a child above seven and under twelve of immature understanding. Nothing is an offence which is done by a child above seven years of age and under twelve, who has not attained sufficient maturity of understanding to judge of the nature and consequences of his conduct onKEEP READING

84. Act of a person of unsound mind. Nothing is an offence which is done by a person who, at the time of doing it, by reason of unsoundness of mind, is incapable of knowing the nature of the act, or that he is doing what is either wrong orKEEP READING