368. Wrongfully concealing or keeping in confinement, kidnapped or abducted person. Whoever, knowing that any person has been kidnapped or has been abducted, wrongfully conceals or confines such person, shall be punished in the same manner as if he had kidnapped or abducted such person with the same intention orKEEP READING

369. Kidnapping or abducting child under ten years with intent to steal from its person. Whoever kidnaps or abducts any child under the age of ten years with the intention of taking dishonestly any movable property from the person of such child, shall be punished with imprisonment of either descriptionKEEP READING

370. Trafficking of Person. (1) Whoever, for the purpose of exploitation, (a) recruits, (b) transports, ( c) harbours, (d) transfers, or (e) receives, a person or persons, by- (i) using threats, or (ii) using force, or any other form of coercion, or (iii) by abduction, or (iv) by practising fraud,KEEP READING

370A. Exploitation of a trafficked person. (1) Whoever, knowingly or having reason to believe that a minor has been trafficked, engages such minor for sexual exploitation in any manner, shall be punished with rigorous imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than five years, but which may extendKEEP READING

371. Habitual dealing in slaves. Whoever habitually imports, exports, removes, buys, sells, traffics or deals in slaves, shall be punished with imprisonment for life, or with imprisonment of either description for a term not exceeding ten years, and shall also be liable to fine. CLASSIFICATION OF OFFENCE Punishment—Imprisonment for life,KEEP READING

372. Selling minor for purposes of prostitution, etc. Whoever sells, lets to hire, or otherwise disposes of any person under the age of eighteen years with intent that such person shall at any age be employed or used for the purpose of prostitution or illicit intercourse with any person orKEEP READING

373. Buying minor for purposes of prostitution, etc. Whoever buys, hires or otherwise obtains possession of any person under the age of eighteen years with intent that such person shall at any age be employed or used for the purpose of prostitution or illicit intercourse with any person or forKEEP READING

374. Unlawful compulsory labour. Whoever unlawfully compels any person to labour against the will of that person, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to one year, or with fine, or with both. CLASSIFICATION OF OFFENCE Punishment—Imprisonment for 1 year, or fine, orKEEP READING

375. RAPE. A man is said to commit “rape” if he- (a) penetrates his penis, to any extent, into the vagina, mouth, urethra or anus of a woman or makes her to do so with him or any other person; or (b) inserts, to any extent, any object or aKEEP READING

376. Punishment for rape. (1) Whoever, except in the cases provided for in sub-section (2), commits rape, shall be punished with rigorous imprisonment of either description for a term which shall not be less than ten* years, but which may extend to imprisonment for life, and shall also be liableKEEP READING

376A. Punishment for causing death or resulting in persistent vegetative state of victim. Whoever, commits an offence punishable under sub-section (1) or sub-section (2) of section 376 and in the course of such commission inflicts an injury which causes the death of the woman or causes the woman to beKEEP READING

376AB. Punishment for rape on woman under twelve years of age. Whoever, commits rape on a woman under twelve years of age shall be punished with rigorous imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than twenty years, but which may extend to imprisonment for life, which shall meanKEEP READING

376B. Sexual intercourse by husband upon his wife during separation. Whoever has sexual intercourse with his own wife, who is living separately, whether under a decree of separation or otherwise, without her consent, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which shall not be less thanKEEP READING

376C. Sexual intercourse by person in authority. Whoever, being- (a) in a position of authority or in a fiduciary relationship; or (b) a public servant; or (c) superintendent or manager of a jail, remand home or other place of custody established by or under any law for the time beingKEEP READING

376D. Gang rape. Where a woman is raped by one or more persons constituting a group or acting in furtherance of a common intention, each of those persons shall be deemed to have committed the offence of rape and shall be punished with rigorous imprisonment for a term which shallKEEP READING

376DA. Punishment for gang rape on woman under sixteen years of age. Where a woman under sixteen years of age is raped by one or more persons constituting a group or acting in furtherance of a common intention, each of those persons shall be deemed to have committed the offenceKEEP READING