222. Intentional omission to apprehend on the part of public servant bound to apprehend person under sentence or lawfully committed. Whoever, being a public servant, legally bound as such public servant to apprehend or to keep in confinement any person under sentence of a Court of Justice for any offenceKEEP READING

223. Escape from confinement or custody negligently suffered by public servant. Whoever, being a public servant legally bound as such public servant to keep in confinement any person charged with or convicted of any offence or lawfully committed to custody, negligently suffers such person to escape from confinement, shall beKEEP READING

224. Resistance or obstruction by a person to his lawful apprehension. Whoever intentionally offers any resistance or illegal obstruction to the lawful apprehension of himself for any offence with which he is charged or of which he has been convicted, or escapes or attempts to escape from any custody inKEEP READING

225. Resistance or obstruction to lawful apprehension of another person. Whoever intentionally offers any resistance or illegal obstruction to the lawful apprehension of any other person for an offence, or rescues or attempts to rescue any other person from any custody in which that person is lawfully detained for anKEEP READING

225A. Omission to apprehend, or sufferance of escape, on part of public servant, in cases not otherwise, provided for. Whoever, being a public servant legally bound as such public servant to apprehend, or to keep in confinement, any person in any case not provided for in section 221, section 222KEEP READING

225B. Resistance or obstruction to lawful apprehension, or escape or rescue in cases not otherwise provided for. Whoever, in any case not provided for in section 224 or section 225 or in any other law for the time being in force, intentionally offers any resistance or illegal obstruction to theKEEP READING

226. Unlawful return from transportation. Rep. by the Code of Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Act, 1995 (26 of 1995), sec. 117 and Sch. (w.e.f. 1-1-1956) Read Indian Penal Code (IPC) in a better and systematic way. Read IPC each section wise. Download beautiful, colourful, mobile friendly PDF for IPC.KEEP READING

227. Violation of condition of remission of punishment. Whoever, having accepted any conditional remission of punishment, knowingly violates any condition on which such remission was granted, shall be punished with the punishment to which he was originally sentenced, if he has already suffered no part of that punishment, and ifKEEP READING

228. Intentional insult or interruption to public servant sitting in judicial proceeding. Whoever intentionally offers any insult, or causes any interruption to any public servant, while such public servant is sitting in any stage of a judicial proceeding, shall be punished with simple imprisonment for a term which may extendKEEP READING

228A. Disclosure of identity of the victim of certain offences, etc. (1) Whoever prints or publishes the name or any matter which may make known the identity of any person against whom an offence under section 376, section 376A, section 376AB, section 376B, section 376C, section 376D, section 376DA, section 376DB,KEEP READING

229. Personation of a juror or assessor. Whoever, by personation or otherwise, shall intentionally cause, or knowingly suffer himself to be returned, empanelled or sworn as a juryman or assessor in any case in which he knows that he is not entitled by law to be so returned, empanelled orKEEP READING

229A. Failure by person released on bail or bond to appear in Court. Whoever, having been charged with an offence and released on bail or on bond without sureties, fails without sufficient cause (the burden of proving which shall lie upon him), to appear in Court in accordance with theKEEP READING

230. “Coin” defined. Coin is metal used for the time being as money, and stamped and issued by the authority of some State or Sovereign Power in order to be so used. Indian coin. Indian coin is metal stamped and issued by the authority of the Government of India inKEEP READING

231. Counterfeiting coin. Whoever counterfeits or knowingly performs any part of the process of counterfeiting coin, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to seven years, and shall also be liable to fine. Explanation- A person commits this offence who intending to practiseKEEP READING

232. Counterfeiting Indian coin. Whoever counterfeits, or knowingly performs any part of the process of counterfeiting Indian coin, shall be punished with imprisonment for life, or with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to ten years, and shall also be liable to fine. CLASSIFICATION OF OFFENCEKEEP READING

233. Making or selling instrument for counterfeiting coin. Whoever makes or mends, or performs any part of the process of making or mending, or buys, sells or disposes of, any die or instrument, for the purpose of being used, or knowing or having reason to believe that it is intendedKEEP READING