128. Public servant voluntarily allowing prisoner of State or war to escape. Whoever, being a public servant and having the custody of any State prisoner or prisoner of war, voluntarily allows such prisoner to escape from any place in which such prisoner is confined, shall be punished with imprisonment forKEEP READING

129. Public servant negligently suffering such prisoner to escape. Whoever, being a public servant and having the custody of any State prisoner or prisoner of war, negligently suffers such prisoner to escape from any place of confinement in which such prisoner is confined, shall be punished with simple imprisonment for aKEEP READING

130. Aiding escape of, rescuing or harbouring such prisoner. Whoever knowingly aids or assists any State prisoner or prisoner of war in escaping from lawful custody, or rescues or attempts to rescue any such prisoner, or harbours or conceals any such prisoner who has escaped from lawful custody, or offersKEEP READING

131. Abetting mutiny, or attempting to seduce a soldier, sailor or airman from his duty. Whoever abets the committing of mutiny by an officer, soldier, sailor or airman, in the Army, Navy or Air Force of the Government of India or attempts to seduce any such officer, soldier, sailor orKEEP READING

132. Abetment of mutiny, if mutiny is committed in consequence thereof. Whoever abets the committing of mutiny by an officer, soldier, sailor or airman in the Army, Navy or Air Force of the Government of India, shall, if mutiny be committed in consequence of that abetment, be punished with deathKEEP READING

133. Abetment of assault by soldier, sailor or airman on his superior officer, when in execution of his office. Whoever abets an assault by an officer, soldier, sailor or airman, in the Army, Navy or Air Force of the Government of India, on any superior officer being in the executionKEEP READING

134. Abetment of such assault, if the assault is committed. Whoever abets an assault by an officer, soldier, sailor or airman, in the Army, Navy or Air Force of the Government of India, on any superior officer being in the execution of his office, shall, if such assault be committedKEEP READING

135. Abetment of desertion of soldier, sailor or airman. Whoever abets the desertion of any officer, soldier, sailor or airman, in the Army, Navy or Air Force of the Government of India, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to two years, or withKEEP READING

136. Harbouring deserter. Whoever, except as hereinafter expected, knowing or having reason to believe that an officer, soldier, sailor or airman, in the Army, Navy or Air Force of the Government of India, has deserted, harbours such officer, soldier, sailor or airman, shall be punished with imprisonment of either descriptionKEEP READING

137. Deserter concealed on board merchant vessel through negligence of master. The master or person in charge of a merchant vessel, on board of which any deserter from the Army, Navy or Air Force of the Government of India is concealed, shall, though ignorant of such concealment, be liable toKEEP READING

138. Abetment of act of insubordination by soldier, sailor or airman. Whoever abets what he knows to be an act of insubordination by an officer, soldier, sailor or airman, in the Army, Navy or Air Force of the Government of India, shall, if such act of insubordination be committed inKEEP READING

138A. Application of foregoing sections to the Indian Marine Service. Rep. by the Amending Act, 1934 (35 of 1934), sec. 2 and Sch. Read Indian Penal Code (IPC) in a better and systematic way. Read IPC each section wise. Download beautiful, colourful, mobile friendly PDF for IPC.KEEP READING

139. Persons subject to certain Acts. No person subject to the Army Act, the Army Act, 1950 (46 of 1950), or the Naval Discipline Act, the Indian Navy (Discipline) Act, 1934 (34 of 1934), the Air Force Act the Air Force Act, 1950 (45 of 1950), is subject to punishmentKEEP READING

140. Wearing garb or carrying token used by soldier, sailor or airman. Whoever, not being a soldier, sailor or airman, in the Military, Naval or Air service of the Government of India, wears any garb or carries any token resembling any garb or token used by such a soldier, sailorKEEP READING

141. Unlawful assembly. An assembly of five or more persons is designated an “unlawful assembly” if the common object of the persons composing that assembly is: First – To overawe by criminal force or show of criminal force, the Central or any State Government or Parliament or the Legislature ofKEEP READING

142. Being member of unlawful assembly. Whoever, being aware of facts which render any assembly an unlawful assembly, intentionally joins that assembly, or continues in it, is said to be a member of an unlawful assembly. Read Indian Penal Code (IPC) in a better and systematic way. Download beautiful, colourful,KEEP READING