Distribution of Revenues between the Union and the States 268. Duties levied by the Union but collected and appropriated by the States. (1) Such stamp duties as are mentioned in the Union List shall be levied by the Government of India but shall be collected- (a) in the case whereKEEP READING

268A. Service tax levied by Union and collected and appropriated by the Union and the States. 268A Omitted in 2016 by 101st Amendment Act. Read Constitution of India in a systematic way. Download Constitution of India PDF.KEEP READING

269. Taxes levied and collected by the Union but assigned to the States. (1) Taxes on the sale or purchase of goods and taxes on the consignment of goods except as provided in article 269A shall be levied and collected by the Government of India but shall be assigned andKEEP READING

Article 269A of Constitution. Levy and collection of goods and services tax in course of Inter-State trade or commerce. Inserted by 101st Amendment Act in 2016. Here is the full 101st Amendment Act PDF. (97KB) Please see this once. (1) Goods and services tax on supplies in the course ofKEEP READING

270. Taxes levied and distributed between the Union and the States. (1) All taxes and duties referred to in the Union List, except the duties and taxes referred to in articles 268, 269 and 269A, respectively, surcharge on taxes and duties referred to in article 271 and any cess leviedKEEP READING

271. Surcharge on certain duties and taxes for purposes of the Union. Notwithstanding anything in articles 269 and 270, Parliament may at any time increase any of the duties or taxes referred to in those articles except the goods and services tax under article 246A by a surcharge for purposesKEEP READING

272. [Taxes which are levied and collected by the Union and may be distributed between the Union and the States.] Rep. by the Constitution (Eightieth Amendment) Act, 2000, s .4. Read Constitution of India in a systematic way. Download Constitution of India PDF.KEEP READING

273. Grants in lieu of export duty on jute and jute products. (1) There shall be charged on the Consolidated Fund of India in each year as grants-in-aid of the revenues of the States of Assam, Bihar, Orissa and West Bengal, in lieu of assignment of any share of theKEEP READING

274. Prior recommendation of President required to Bills affecting taxation in which States are interested. (1) No Bill or amendment which imposes or varies any tax or duty in which States are interested, or which varies the meaning of the expression “agricultural income” as defined for the purposes of theKEEP READING

275. Grants from the Union to certain States. (1) Such sums as Parliament may by law provide shall be charged on the Consolidated Fund of India in each year as grants-in-aid of the revenues of such States as Parliament may determine to be in need of assistance, and different sumsKEEP READING

276. Taxes on professions, trades, callings and employments. (1) Notwithstanding anything in article 246, no law of the Legislature of a State relating to taxes for the benefit of the State or of a municipality, district board, local board or other local authority therein in respect of professions, trades, callingsKEEP READING

277. Savings. Any taxes, duties, cesses or fees which, immediately before the commencement of this Constitution, were being lawfully levied by the Government of any State or by any municipality or other local authority or body for the purposes of the State, municipality, district or other local area may, notwithstandingKEEP READING

278. [Agreement with States in Part B of the First Schedule with regard to certain financial matters.] Rep. by the Constitution (Seventh Amendment) Act, 1956, s. 29 and Sch. Read Constitution of India in a systematic way. Download Constitution of India PDF.KEEP READING

279. Calculation of “net proceeds”, etc. (1) In the foregoing provisions of this Chapter, “net proceeds” means in relation to any tax or duty the proceeds thereof reduced by the cost of collection, and for the purposes of those provisions the net proceeds of any tax or duty, or ofKEEP READING

279A. Goods and Services Tax Council. [1. Ins. by the Constitution (One Hundred and First Amendment) Act, 2016, s. 12 (w.e.f. 12-9-2016)] Here is the full 101st Amendment Act PDF. (97KB) Please see this once. (1) The President shall, within sixty days from the date of commencement of the ConstitutionKEEP READING

280. Finance Commission. (1) The President shall, within two years from the commencement of this Constitution and thereafter at the expiration of every fifth year or at such earlier time as the President considers necessary, by order constitute a Finance Commission which shall consist of a Chairman and four otherKEEP READING