243Z. Audit of accounts of Municipalities. The Legislature of a State may, by law, make provisions with respect to the maintenance of accounts by the Municipalities and the auditing of such accounts. Read Constitution of India in a systematic way. Download Constitution of India PDF.KEEP READING

243ZA. Elections to the Municipalities. (1) The superintendence, direction and control of the preparation of electoral rolls for, and the conduct of, all elections to the Municipalities shall be vested in the State Election Commission referred to in article 243K. (2) Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, the LegislatureKEEP READING

243ZB. Application to Union territories. The provisions of this Part shall apply to the Union territories and shall, in their application to a Union territory, have effect as if the references to the Governor of a State were references to the Administrator of the Union territory appointed under article 239KEEP READING

243ZC. Part not to apply to certain areas. (1) Nothing in this Part shall apply to the Scheduled Areas referred to in clause (1), and the tribal areas referred to in clause (2), of article 244. (2) Nothing in this Part shall be construed to affect the functions and powersKEEP READING

243ZD. Committee for district planning. (1) There shall be constituted in every State at the district level a District Planning Committee to consolidate the plans prepared by the Panchayats and the Municipalities in the district and to prepare a draft development plan for the district as a whole. (2) TheKEEP READING

243ZE. Committee for Metropolitan planning. (1) There shall be constituted in every Metropolitan area a Metropolitan Planning Committee to prepare a draft development plan for the Metropolitan area as a whole. (2) The Legislature of a State may, by law, make provision with respect to- (a) the composition of theKEEP READING

243ZF. Continuance of existing laws and Municipalities. Notwithstanding anything in this Part, any provision of any law relating to Municipalities in force in a State immediately before the commencement of the Constitution (Seventy-fourth Amendment) Act, 1992, which is inconsistent with the provisions of this Part, shall continue to be inKEEP READING

243ZG. Bar to interference by courts in electoral matters. Notwithstanding anything in this Constitution,- (a) the validity of any law relating to the delimitation of constituencies or the allotment of seats to such constituencies, made or purporting to be made under article 243ZA shall not be called in question inKEEP READING

PART IXB THE CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES 243ZH. Definitions. In this Part, unless the context otherwise requires,- (a) “authorised person” means a person referred to as in article 243ZQ; (b) “board” means the board of directors or the governing body of a co-operative society, by whatever name called, to which the directs and controlKEEP READING

243ZI. Incorporation of co-operative societies. Subject to the provisions of this Part, the Legislature of a State may, by law, make provisions with respect to the incorporation, regulation and winding up of co-operative societies based on the principles of voluntary formation, democratic member-control, member-economic participation and autonomous functioning. Read ConstitutionKEEP READING

243ZJ. Number and term of members of board and its office bearers. (1) The board shall consist of such number of directors as may be provided by the Legislature of a State, by law: Provided that the maximum number of directors of a co-operative society shall not exceed twenty-one: ProvidedKEEP READING

243ZK. Election of members of board. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in any law made by the Legislature of a State, the election of a board shall be conducted before the expiry of the term of the board so as to ensure that the newly elected members of the board assumeKEEP READING

243ZL. Supersession and suspension of board and interim management. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in any law for the time being in force, no board shall be superseded or kept under suspension for a period exceeding six months: Provided that the board may be superseded or kept under suspension in case-KEEP READING

243ZM. Audit of accounts of co-operative societies. (1) The Legislature of a State may, by law, make provisions with respect to the maintenance of accounts by the co-operative societies and the auditing of such accounts at least once in each financial year. (2) The Legislature of a State shall, by law,KEEP READING

243ZN. Convening of general body meetings. The Legislature of a State may, by law, make provisions that the annual general body meeting of every co-operative society shall be convened within a period of six months of close of the financial year to transact the business as may be provided inKEEP READING

243ZO. Right of a member to get information. (1) The Legislature of a State may, by law, provide for access to every member of a co-operative society to the books, information and accounts of the co-operative society kept in regular transaction of its business with such member. (2) The LegislatureKEEP READING