179. Vacation and resignation of, and removal from, the offices of Speaker and Deputy Speaker. A member holding office as Speaker or Deputy Speaker of an Assembly- (a) shall vacate his office if he ceases to be a member of the Assembly; (b) may at any time by writing underKEEP READING

180. Power of the Deputy Speaker or other person to perform the duties of the office of, or to act as, Speaker. (1) While the office of Speaker is vacant, the duties of the office shall be performed by the Deputy Speaker or, if the office of Deputy Speaker isKEEP READING

181. The Speaker or the Deputy Speaker not to preside while a resolution for his removal from office is under consideration. (1) At any sitting of the Legislative Assembly, while any resolution for the removal of the Speaker from his office is under consideration, the Speaker, or while any resolutionKEEP READING

182. The Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Council. The Legislative Council of every State having such Council shall, as soon as may be, choose two members of the Council to be respectively Chairman and Deputy Chairman thereof and, so often as the office of Chairman or Deputy ChairmanKEEP READING

183. Vacation and resignation of, and removal from, the offices of Chairman and Deputy Chairman. A member holding office as Chairman or Deputy Chairman of a Legislative Council- (a) shall vacate his office if he ceases to be a member of the Council; (b) may at any time by writingKEEP READING

184. Power of the Deputy Chairman or other person to perform the duties of the office of, or to act as, Chairman. (1) While the office of Chairman is vacant, the duties of the office shall be performed by the Deputy Chairman or, if the office of Deputy Chairman isKEEP READING

185. The Chairman or the Deputy Chairman not to preside while a resolution for his removal from office is under consideration. (1) At any sitting of the Legislative Council, while any resolution for the removal of the Chairman from his office is under consideration, the Chairman, or while any resolutionKEEP READING

186. Salaries and allowances of the Speaker and Deputy Speaker and the Chairman and Deputy Chairman. There shall be paid to the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, and to the Chairman and the Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Council, such salaries and allowances as may beKEEP READING

187. Secretariat of State Legislature. (1) The House or each House of the Legislature of a State shall have a separate secretarial staff: Provided that nothing in this clause shall, in the case of the Legislature of a State having a Legislative Council, be construed as preventing the creation ofKEEP READING

Conduct of Business 188. Oath or affirmation by members. Every member of the Legislative Assembly or the Legislative Council of a State shall, before taking his seat, make and subscribe before the Governor, or some person appointed in that behalf by him, an oath or affirmation according to the formKEEP READING

189. Voting in Houses, power of Houses to act notwithstanding vacancies and quorum. (1) Save as otherwise provided in this Constitution, all questions at any sitting of a House of the Legislature of a State shall be determined by a majority of votes of the members present and voting, otherKEEP READING

Disqualifications of Members  190. Vacation of seats. (1) No person shall be a member of both Houses of the Legislature of a State and provision shall be made by the Legislature of the State by law for the vacation by a person who is chosen a member of both HousesKEEP READING

192. Decision on questions as to disqualifications of members. (1) If any question arises as to whether a member of a House of the Legislature of a State has become subject to any of the disqualifications mentioned in clause (1) of Article 191, the question shall be referred for theKEEP READING

193. Penalty for sitting and voting before making oath or affirmation under article 188 or when not qualified or when disqualified. If a person sits or votes as a member of the Legislative Assembly or the Legislative Council of a State before he has complied with the requirements of articleKEEP READING

Powers, Privileges and Immunities of State Legislatures and their Members 194. Powers, privileges, etc, of the Houses of Legislatures and of the members and committees thereof. (1) Subject to the provisions of this Constitution and to the rules and standing orders regulating the procedure of the Legislature, there shall beKEEP READING

195. Salaries and allowances of members. Members of the Legislative Assembly and the Legislative Council of a State shall be entitled to receive such salaries and allowances as may from time to time be determined, by the Legislature of the State by law and, until provision in that respect isKEEP READING