133. Appellate jurisdiction of Supreme Court in appeals from High Courts in regard to civil matters. (1) An appeal shall lie to the Supreme Court from any judgment, decree or final order in a civil proceeding of a High Court in the territory of India if the High Court certifiesKEEP READING

134. Appellate jurisdiction of Supreme Court in regard to criminal matters. (1) An appeal shall lie to the Supreme Court from any judgment, final order or sentence in a criminal proceeding of a High Court in the territory of India if the High Court- (a) has on appeal reversed anKEEP READING

134A. Certificate for appeal to the Supreme Court. Every High Court, passing or making a judgment, decree, final order, or sentence, referred to in clause (1) of article 132 or clause (1) of article 133, or clause (1) of article 134,- (a) may, if it deems fit so to do,KEEP READING

135. Jurisdiction and powers of the Federal Court under existing law to be exercisable by the Supreme Court. Until Parliament by law otherwise provides, the Supreme Court shall also have jurisdiction and powers with respect to any matter to which the provisions of article 133 or article 134 do notKEEP READING

136. Special leave to appeal by the Supreme Court. (1) Notwithstanding anything in this Chapter, the Supreme Court may, in its discretion, grant special leave to appeal from any judgment, decree, determination, sentence or order in any cause or matter passed or made by any court or tribunal in theKEEP READING

137. Review of judgments or orders by the Supreme Court. Subject to the provisions of any law made by Parliament or any rules made under article 145, the Supreme Court shall have power to review any judgment pronounced or order made by it.  Read Constitution of India in a systematicKEEP READING

138. Enlargement of the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court. (1) The Supreme Court shall have such further jurisdiction and powers with respect to any of the matters in the Union List as Parliament may by law confer.  (2) The Supreme Court shall have such further jurisdiction and powers with respectKEEP READING

139. Conferment on the Supreme Court of powers to issue certain writs. Parliament may by law confer on the Supreme Court power to issue directions, orders or writs, including writs in the nature of habeas corpus, mandamus, prohibition, quo-warranto and certiorari, or any of them, for any purposes other thanKEEP READING

139A. Transfer of certain cases. (1) Where cases involving the same or substantially the same questions of law are pending before the Supreme Court and one or more High Courts or before two or more High Courts and the Supreme Court is satisfied on its own motion or on anKEEP READING

140. Ancillary powers of Supreme Court. Parliament may by law make provision for conferring upon the Supreme Court such supplemental powers not inconsistent with any of the provisions of this Constitution as may appear to be necessary or desirable for the purpose of enabling the Court more effectively to exerciseKEEP READING

141. Law declared by Supreme Court to be binding on all courts. The law declared by the Supreme Court shall be binding on all courts within the territory of India.  Read Constitution of India in a systematic way. Download Constitution of India PDF.KEEP READING

142. Enforcement of decrees and orders of Supreme Court and orders as to discovery, etc. (1) The Supreme Court in the exercise of its jurisdiction may pass such decree or make such order as is necessary for doing complete justice in any cause or matter pending before it, and anyKEEP READING

143. Power of President to consult Supreme Court. (1) If at any time it appears to the President that a question of law or fact has arisen, or is likely to arise, which is of such a nature and of such public importance that it is expedient to obtain theKEEP READING

144. Civil and judicial authorities to act in aid of the Supreme Court. All authorities, civil and judicial, in the territory of India shall act in aid of the Supreme Court.  Read Constitution of India in a systematic way. Download Constitution of India PDF.KEEP READING

144A. [Special provisions as to disposal of questions relating to constitutional validity of laws.] Rep. by the Constitution (Forty-third Amendment) Act, 1977, s. 5 (w.e.f. 13-4-1978) Read Constitution of India in a systematic way. Download Constitution of India PDF.KEEP READING

145. Rules of Court, etc. (1) Subject to the provisions of any law made by Parliament, the Supreme Court may from time to time, with the approval of the President, make rules for regulating generally the practice and procedure of the Court including- (a) rules as to the persons practisingKEEP READING