CHAPTER IV: REPEAL 31. Repeals. [Rep. by Repealing and Amending Act, 1960 (58 of 1960)] Hindu Succession Act full bare act on one page. Download beautiful, colourful Hindu Marriage Act PDF.KEEP READING

HEIRS IN CLASS I, Hindu Succession Act. CLASS I Son; daughter; widow; mother; son of a pre-deceased son; daughter of a pre-deceased son; son of a pre-deceased daughter; daughter of a pre-deceased daughter; widow of a pre-deceased son; son of a pre- deceased son of a pre-deceased son; daughter ofKEEP READING

HEIRS IN CLASS II, Hindu Succession Act. CLASS II I. Father. II. (1) Son’s daughter’s son, (2) son’s daughter’s daughter, (3) brother, (4) sister. III. (1) Daughter’s son’s son, (2) daughter’s son’s daughter, (3) daughter’s daughter’s son, (4) daughter’s daughter’s daughter. IV. (1) Brother’s son, (2) sister’s son, (3) brother’s daughter,KEEP READING

PRELIMINARY 1. Short title and extent. (1) This act may be called the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955. (2) It extends to the whole of India except the State of Jammu and Kashmir and applies also to Hindus domiciled in the territories to which this Act extends who are outside theKEEP READING

2. Application of Act. (1) This Act applies- (a) to any person who is a Hindu by religion in any of its forms or developments, including a Virashaiva, a Lingayat or a follower of the Brahma, Parthana or Arya Samaj, (b) to any person who is a Buddhist, Jaina or SikhKEEP READING

3. Definitions (Hindu Marriage Act) In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,- (a) the expression “Custom” and “usage” signify any rule which, having been continuously and uniformly observed for a long time, has obtained the force or law among Hindus in any local area, tribe, community, group of family:KEEP READING

4. Overriding effect of Act. Save as otherwise expressly provided in this Act- (a) any test, rule or interpretation of Hindu law or any custom or usage as part of that law in force immediately before the commencement of this Act shall cease to have been effect with respect toKEEP READING

HINDU MARRIAGES 5. Conditions for a Hindu Marriage. A marriage may be solemnized between two Hindus, if the following conditions are fulfilled, namely- (i) neither party has a spouse living at the time of the marriage; (ii) at the time of the marriage, neither party- (a) is incapable of givingKEEP READING

6. Guardianship in marriage. [Repealed by the Child Marriage Restraint Act, 1978] Read full Hindu Marriage Act on a single page. Download beautiful, colourful Hindu Marriage Act PDF.KEEP READING

7. Ceremonies for a Hindu Marriage. (1) A Hindu marriage may be solemnized in accordance with the customary rites and ceremonies of either party thereto. (2) Where such rites and ceremonies include the Saptapadi (that is the taking of seven steps by the bridegroom and the bride jointly before the fire),KEEP READING

10. Judicial Separation. (1) Either party to a marriage, whether solemnized before or after the commencement of this Act, may present a petition praying for a decree of judicial separation on any of the grounds specified in sub-section (1) of section 13 and in the case of a wife onKEEP READING

NULLITY OF MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE 11. Void Marriages. Any marriage solemnised after the commencement of this Act, shall be null and void and may, on a petition presented by either party thereto against the other party, be so declared by a decree of nullity if it contravenes any one ofKEEP READING

12. Voidable Marriages. (1) Any marriage solemnized; whether before or after the commencement of this Act, shall be voidable and may be annulled by a decree of nullity on any of the following grounds, namely;- (a) that the marriage has not been consummated owing to the impotence of the respondent;KEEP READING

13A. Alternate relief in divorce proceedings. In any proceedings under this Act, on a petition for dissolution of marriage by a decree of divorce, except in so far as the petition is founded on the grounds mentioned in clauses (ii), (vi) and (vii) of sub- section (1) of section 13,KEEP READING

13B. Divorce by mutual consent. (1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, a petition for dissolution of marriage by a decree of divorce may be presented to the district Court by both the parties to a marriage together, whether such marriage was solemnized before or after the commencement ofKEEP READING

14. No petition for divorce to be presented within one year of marriage. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, it shall not be competent for any Court to entertain any petition for dissolution of a marriage by a decree of divorce unless at the date of presentation of theKEEP READING