72. Proof of document not required by law to be attested. An attested document not required by law to be attested may be proved as if it was unattested. Read Indian Evidence Act in a beautiful, systematic way. Read Evidence Act each section wise. Download beautiful, colourful PDF for EvidenceKEEP READING

73. Comparison of signature, writing or seal with others admitted or proved. In order to ascertain whether a signature, writing or seal is that of the person by whom it purports to have been written or made, any signature, writing or seal admitted or proved to the satisfaction of theKEEP READING

73A. Proof as to verification of digital signature. In order to ascertain whether a digital signature is that of the person by whom it purports to have been affixed, the Court may direct- (a) that person or the Controller or the Certifying Authority to produce the Digital Signature Certificate;  (b)KEEP READING

74. Public documents. The following documents are public documents- (1) Documents forming the acts, or records of the acts- (i) of the sovereign authority, (ii) of official bodies and tribunals, and (iii) of public officers, legislative, judicial and executive, [of any part of India or of the Commonwealth], or ofKEEP READING

75. Private documents. All other documents are private. Read Indian Evidence Act in a beautiful, systematic way. Read Evidence Act each section wise. Download beautiful, colourful PDF for Evidence Act.KEEP READING

76. Certified copies of Public Documents. Every public officer having the custody of a public document, which any person has a right to inspect, shall give that person on demand a copy of it on payment of the legal fees therefor together with a certificate written at the foot ofKEEP READING

77. Proof of documents by production of certified copies. Such certified copies may be produced in proof of the contents of the public documents or parts of the public documents of which they purport to be copies. Read Indian Evidence Act in a beautiful, systematic way. Read Evidence Act eachKEEP READING

78. Proof of other official documents. The following public documents may be proved as follows- (1) Acts, orders or notifications of the General Government in any of its departments, or of the Crown Representative or of any State Government or any department of any State Government- By the records ofKEEP READING

STATE AMENDMENT West Bengal After section 78, insert the following section, namely- 78A. Copies of public documents, to be as good as original documents in certain cases- Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act or any other law for the time being in force, where any public documents concerning any areas withinKEEP READING

79. Presumption as to genuineness of certified copies. The Court shall presume to be genuine every document purporting to be a certificate, certified copy, or other document, which is by law declared to be admissible as evidence of any particular fact, and which purports to be duly certified by anyKEEP READING

80. Presumption as to documents produced as records of evidence. Whenever any document is produced before any Court, purporting to be a record or memorandum of the evidence, or of any part of the evidence, given by a witness in a judicial proceeding or before any officer authorised by lawKEEP READING

81. Presumption as to Gazettes, newspapers, private Acts of Parliament and other documents. The Court shall presume the genuineness of every document purporting to be the London Gazette, or any official Gazette or the Government Gazette of any colony, dependency or possession of the British Crown, or to be aKEEP READING

81A. Presumption as to Gazettes in electronic forms. The Court shall presume the genuineness of every electronic record purporting to be the Official Gazette or purporting to be electronic record directed by any law to be kept by any person, if such electronic record is kept substantially in the formKEEP READING

82. Presumption as to document admissible in England without proof of seal or signature. When any document is produced before any Court, purporting to be a document which, by the law in force for the time being in England or Ireland, would be admissible in proof of any particular inKEEP READING

83. Presumption as to Maps or Plans made by authority of Government. The Court shall presume that maps or plans purporting to be made by the authority of the Central Government or any State Government were so made, and are accurate, but maps or plans made for the purposes ofKEEP READING

84. Presumption as to collections of laws and reports of decisions. The Court shall presume the genuineness of every book purporting to be printed and published under the authority of the Government of any country, and to contain any of the laws of that country; and of every book purportingKEEP READING