10. Power to order further security or payment. Where at any time after the admission of an appeal but before the transmission of the copy of the record, except as aforesaid, to the Supreme Court such security appears inadequate, or further payment is required for the purpose of translating, transcribing,KEEP READING

11. Effect of failure to comply with order. Where the appellant fails to comply with such order, the proceedings shall be stayed, and the appeal shall not proceed without an order in this behalf of the Supreme Court and in the meantime execution of the decree appealed from shall notKEEP READING

12. Refund of balance deposit. When the copy of the record, except as aforesaid, has been transmitted to the Supreme Court, the appellant may obtain a refund of the balance (if any) of the amount which he had deposited under rule 7. Read CPC in a better and systematic way.KEEP READING

13. Powers of Court pending appeal. (1) Notwithstanding the grant of a certificate for the admission of any appeal, the decree appealed from shall be unconditionally executed, unless the Court otherwise directs. (2) The Court may, if it thinks fit, on special cause shown by any party interested in theKEEP READING

14. Increase of security found inadequate. (1) Where at any time during the pendency of the appeal the security furnished by either party appears inadequate, the Court may, on the application of the other party, require further security. (2) In default of such further security being furnished as required byKEEP READING

15. Procedure to enforce orders of the Supreme Court. (1) Whoever desires to obtain execution of any decree or order of the Supreme Court shall apply by petition, accompanied by a certified copy of the decree passed or order made in appeal and sought to be executed, to the CourtKEEP READING

16. Appeal from order relating to execution. The orders made by the Court which executes the decree or order of the Supreme Court, relating to such execution, shall be appealable in the same manner and subject to the same rules as the orders of such Court relating to the executionKEEP READING

17. Appeals to Federal Court. [Rep. by the Federal Court, 1941 (21 of 1941), s. 2] Read CPC in a better and systematic way. Download beautiful, colourful CPC PDF.KEEP READING

ORDER XLVI – REFERENCE  1. Reference of question to High Court. Where, before or on the hearing of a suit or an appeal in which the decree is not subject to appeal, or where, in the execution of any such decree, any question of law or usage having the forceKEEP READING

2. Court may pass decree contingent upon decision of High Court. The Court may either stay the proceedings or proceed in the case notwithstanding such reference, and may pass a decree or make an order contingent upon the decision of the High Court on the point referred; But no decreeKEEP READING

3. Judgment of High Court to be transmitted and case disposed of accordingly. The High Court, after hearing the parties if they appear and desire to be heard, shall decide the point so referred, and shall transmit a copy of its judgment, under the signature of the Registrar, to theKEEP READING

4. Costs of reference to High Court. The costs (is any) consequent on a reference for the decision of the High Court shall be costs in the case. Read CPC in a better and systematic way. Download beautiful, colourful CPC PDF.KEEP READING

4A. Reference to high Court under proviso to section 113. The provisions of rules 2, 3 and 4 shall apply to any reference by the Court under the proviso to section 113 as they apply to a reference under rule 1. Read CPC in a better and systematic way. DownloadKEEP READING

5. Power to alter, etc, decree of Court making reference. Where a case is referred to the High Court under rule 1 or under the proviso to section 113, the High Court may return the case for amendment, and may alter, cancel or set aside any decree or order whichKEEP READING

6. Power to refer to High Court questions as to jurisdiction in small causes. (1) Where at any time before judgment a Court in which a suit has been instituted doubts whether the suit is cognizable by a Court of Small Causes or is not so cognizable, it may submitKEEP READING

7. Power to District Court to submit for revision proceeding had under mistake as to jurisdiction in small causes. (1) Where it appears to a District Court that a Court subordinate thereto has, by reason of erroneously holding a suit to be cognizable by a Court of small Causes orKEEP READING