10. Stay of proceedings on removal, etc, of next friend. (1) On the retirement, removal or death of the next friend of a minor, further proceedings shall be stayed until the appointment of a next friend in his place. (2) Where the pleader of such minor omits, within a reasonableKEEP READING

11. Retirement, removal or death of guardian for the suit. (1) Where the guardian for the suit desire to retire or does not do his duty, or where other sufficient ground is made to appear, the Court may permit such guardian to retire or may remove him, and may makeKEEP READING

12. Course to be followed by minor plaintiff or applicant or attaining majority. (1) A minor plaintiff or a minor not a party to a suit on whose behalf an application is pending shall, on attaining majority, elect whether he will proceed with the suit or application. (2) Where heKEEP READING

13. Where minor co-plaintiff attaining majority desires to repudiate suit. (1) Where a minor co-plaintiff on attaining majority desires to repudiate the suit, he shall apply to have his name struck out as co-plaintiff; and the Court, if it finds that he is not a necessary party, shall dismiss himKEEP READING

14. Unreasonable or improper suit. (1) A minor on attaining majority may, if a sole plaintiff, apply that a suit instituted in his name by his next friend be dismissed on the ground that it was unreasonable or improper. (2) Notice of the application shall be served on all theKEEP READING

15. Rules 1 to 14 (except rule 2A) to apply to persons of unsound mind. Rules 1 to 14 (except rule 2A) shall, so far as may be, apply to persons adjudged, before or during the pendency of the suit, to be of unsound mind and shall also apply toKEEP READING

16. Savings. (1) Nothing contained in this Order shall apply to the Ruler of a foreign State suing or being sued in the name of his State, or being sued by the direction of the Central Government in the name of an agent or in any other name. (2) NothingKEEP READING

ORDER XXXIIA – SUITS RELATING TO MATTERS CONCERNING THE FAMILY 1. Application of the Order. (1) The provision of this Order shall apply to suits or proceedings relating to matters concerning the family.  (2) In particular, and without prejudice to the generality of the provisions of sub-rule (1), the provisionsKEEP READING

2. Proceedings to be held in camera. In every suit or proceeding to which this Order applies, the proceeding may be held in camera if the Court so desires and shall be so held if either party so desires. Read CPC in a better and systematic way. Download beautiful, colourfulKEEP READING

3. Duty of Court to make efforts for settlement. (1) In every suit or proceeding to which this Order applies, an endeavour shall be made by the Court in the first instance, where it is possible to do so consistent with the nature and circumstances of the case, to assistKEEP READING

4. Assistance of welfare expert. In every suit or proceeding to which this Order applies, it shall be open to the Court to secure the services of such person (preferably a woman where available), whether related to the parties or not, including a person professionally engaged in promoting the welfareKEEP READING

5. Duty to inquire into facts. In every suit or proceeding to which this Order applies, it shall be the duty of the Court to inquire, so far is reasonably can, into the facts alleged by the plaintiff and into any facts alleged by the defendant. Read CPC in aKEEP READING

6. “Family”. meaning of, For the purposes of this Order, each of the following shall be treated as constituting a family, namely- (a) (i) a man and his wife living together, (ii) any child or children, being issue or theirs; or of such man or such wife, (iii) any childKEEP READING

ORDER XXXIII – SUITS BY INDIGENT PERSONS 1. Suits may be instituted by indigent person. Subject to the following provisions, any suit may be instituted by an indigent person. Explanation I- A person is an indigent person,- (a) if he is not possessed of sufficient means (other than property exemptKEEP READING

1A. Inquiry into the means of an indigent person. Every inquiry into the question whether or not a person is an indigent person shall be made, in the first instance, by the chief ministerial officer of the Court, unless the Court otherwise directs, and the Court may adopt the reportKEEP READING

2. Contents of application. Every application for permission to sue as an indigent person shall contain the particulars required in regard to plaints in suits: a schedule of any movable or immovable property belonging to the applicant, with the estimated value thereof, shall be annexed thereto; and it shall beKEEP READING