77. Sale by public auction. (1) Where movable property is sold by public auction the price of each lot shall be paid at the time of sale or as soon after as the officer or other person holding the sale directs, and in default of payment the property shall forthwithKEEP READING

78. Irregularity not to vitiate sale, but any person injured may sue. No irregularity in publishing or conducting the sale of movable property shall vitiate the sale; but any person sustaining any injury by reason of such irregularity at the hand of any other person may institute a suit againstKEEP READING

79. Delivery of movable property, debts and shares. (1) Where the property sold is movable property of which actual seizure has been made, it shall be delivered to the purchaser.  (2) Where the property sold is movable property in the possession of some person other than the judgment-debtor, the deliveryKEEP READING

80. Transfer of negotiable instruments and shares. (1) Where the execution of a document or the endorsement of the party in whose name a negotiable instrument or a share in a corporation is standing is required to transfer such negotiable instrument or share, the Judge or such officer as heKEEP READING

81. Vesting order in case of other property. In the case of any movable property not hereinbefore provided for, the Court may make an order vesting such property in the purchaser or as he may direct; and such property shall vest accordingly. Read CPC in a better and systematic way.KEEP READING

82. What Courts may order sales. Sales of immovable property in execution of decrees may be ordered by any Court other than a Court of Small Causes.  Read CPC in a better and systematic way. Download beautiful, colourful CPC PDF.KEEP READING

83. Postponement of sale to enable judgment-debtor to raise amount of decree. (1) Where an order for the sale of immovable property has been made, if the judgment-debtor can satisfy the Court that there is reason to believe that the amount of the decree may be raised by the mortgageKEEP READING

84. Deposit by purchaser and re-sale on default. (1) On every sale of immovable property the person declared to be the purchaser shall pay immediately after such declaration a deposit of twenty-five per cent, on the amount of his purchase-money to the officer or other person conducting the sale, andKEEP READING

ORDER XXX – SUITS BY OR AGAINST FIRMS AND PERSONS CARRYING ON BUSINESS IN NAMES OTHER THAN THEIR OWN 1. Suing of partners in name of firm. (1) Any two or more persons claiming or being liable as partners and carrying on business, in India may sue or be suedKEEP READING

2. Disclosure of partners’ names. (1) Where a suit is instituted by partners in the name of their firm, the plaintiffs or their pleader shall, on demanding writing by or on behalf of any defendant, forthwith declare in writing the names and places of residence of all the persons constitutingKEEP READING

3. Service. Where persons are sued as partners in the name of their firm, the summons shall be served either- (a) upon any one or more of the partners, or (b) at the principal place at which the partnership business is carried on within India upon any person having, atKEEP READING

4. Rights of suit on death of partner. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in Section 45 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872 (9 of 1872) where two or more persons may sue or be sued in the name of a firm under the foregoing provisions and any of such persons dies,KEEP READING

5. Notice in what capacity served. Where a summons is issued to a firm and is served in the manner provided by rule 3, every person upon whom it is served shall be informed by notice in writing given at the time of such service, whether he is served asKEEP READING

6. Appearance of partners. Where persons are sued as partners in the name of their firm, they shall appear individually in their own names, but all subsequent proceedings shall, nevertheless, continue in the name of the firm. Read CPC in a better and systematic way. Download beautiful, colourful CPC PDF.KEEP READING

7. No appearance except by partners. Where a summons is served in the manner provided by rule 3 upon a person having the control or management of the partnership business, no appearance by him shall be necessary unless he is a partner of the firm sued. Read CPC in aKEEP READING

8. Appearance under protest. (1) Any person served with summons as a partner under rule 3 may enter an appearance under protest, denying that he was a partner at any material time. (2) On such appearance being made, either the plaintiff or the person entering the appearance may, at anyKEEP READING