21. Simultaneous execution. The Court may, in its discretion, refuse execution at the same time against the person and property of the judgment-debtor. Read CPC in a better and systematic way. Download beautiful, colourful CPC PDF.KEEP READING

22. Notice to show cause against execution in certain cases. (1) Where an application for execution is made- (a) more than two years after the date of the decree, or  (b) against the legal representative of a party to the decree or where an application is made for execution ofKEEP READING

22A. Sale not to be set aside on the death of the judgment-debtor before the sale but after the service of the proclamation of sale. Where any property is sold in execution of a decree, the sale shall not be set aside merely by reason of the death of theKEEP READING

23. Procedure after issue of notice. (1) Where the person to whom notice is issued under rule 22 does not appear or does not show cause to the satisfaction of the Court why the decree should not be executed the Court shall order the decree to be executed.  (2) WhereKEEP READING

Process for execution. 24. Process for execution. (1) When the preliminary measures (if any) required by the foregoing rules have been taken, the Court shall, unless it sees cause to the contrary, issue its process for the execution of the decree.  (2) Every such process shall bear date the dayKEEP READING

25. Endorsement on process. (1) The officer entrusted with the execution of the process shall endorse thereon the day on, and the manner in which it was executed, and, if the latest day specified in the process for the return thereof has been exceeded, the reason of the delay, or,KEEP READING

Stay of execution. 26. When Court may stay execution. (1) the Court to which a decree has been sent for execution shall, upon sufficient cause being shown, stay the execution of such decree for a reasonable time, to enable the judgment-debtor to apply to the Court by which the decreeKEEP READING

27. Liability of judgment-debtor discharged. No order of restitution or discharge under rule 26 shall prevent the property or person of a judgment-debtor from being retaken in execution of the decree sent for execution. Read CPC in a better and systematic way. Download beautiful, colourful CPC PDF.KEEP READING

28. Order of Court which passed decree or of Appellate Court to be binding upon Court applied to. Any order of the Court by which the decree was passed, or of such Court of appeal as aforesaid, in relation to the execution of such decree, shall be binding upon theKEEP READING

29. Stay of execution pending suit between decree-holder and judgment-debtor. Where a suit is pending in any Court against the holder of a decree of such Court or of a decree which is being executed by such Court, on the part of the person against whom the decree was passed,KEEP READING

Mode of execution. 30. Decree for payment of money. Every decree for the payment of money, including a decree for the payment of money as the alternative to some other relief, may be executed by the detention in the civil prison of the judgment-debtor, or by the attachment and saleKEEP READING

31. Decree for specific movable property. (1) Where the decree is for any specific movable, or for any share in a specific movable, it may be executed by the seizure, if practicable, of the movable or share, and by the delivery thereof to the party to whom it has beenKEEP READING

34. Decree for execution of document, or endorsement of negotiable instrument. (1) Where a decree is for the execution of a document or for the endorsement for a negotiable instrument and the judgment-debtor neglects or refuses to obey the decree, the decree-holder may prepare a draft of the document or endorsementKEEP READING

35. Decree for immovable property. (1) Where a decree is for the delivery of any immovable property, possession thereof shall be delivered to the party to whom it has been adjudged, or to such person as he may appoint to receive delivery on his behalf, and, if necessary, by removingKEEP READING

36. Decree for delivery of immovable property when in occupancy of tenant. Where a decree is for the delivery of any immovable property in the occupancy of a tenant or other person entitled to occupy the same and not bound by the decree to relinquish such occupancy, the Court shallKEEP READING

Arrest and detention in the civil prison. 37. Discretionary power to permit judgment debtor to show cause against detention in prison. (1) Notwithstanding anything in these rules, where an application is for the execution of a decree for the payment of money by the arrest and detention in the civilKEEP READING