6. Procedure where Court desires that its own decree shall be executed by another Court. The Court sending a decree for execution shall send- (a) a copy of the decree; (b) a certificate setting forth that satisfaction of the decree has not been obtained by execution within the jurisdiction ofKEEP READING

7. Court receiving copies of decree, etc. to file same without proof. The Court to which a decree is so sent shall cause such copes and certificates to be filed, without any further proof of the decree or order for execution, or of the copies thereof, unless the Court, forKEEP READING

8. Execution of decree or order by Court to which it is sent. Where such copies are so filed, the decree or order may, if the Court to which it is sent is the District Court, be executed by such or be transferred for execution to any subordinate Court ofKEEP READING

9. Execution of High Court of decree transferred by other Court. Where the Court to which the decree is sent for execution is a High Court, the decree shall be executed by such Court in the same manner as if it had been passed by such Court in exercise ofKEEP READING

Application for execution. 10. Application for execution. Where the holder of a decree desires to execute it, he shall apply to the Court which passed the decree or to the officer (if any) appointed in this behalf, or if the decree has been sent under the provisions hereinbefore contained toKEEP READING

11. Oral application. (1) Where a decree is for the payment of money the Court may, on the oral application of the decree-holder at the time of passing of the decree, order immediate execution thereof by the arrest of the judgment-debtor, prior to the preparation of a warrant if heKEEP READING

11A. Application for arrest to state grounds. Where an application is made for the arrest and detention in prison of the judgment-debtor, it shall state, or be accompanied by an affidavit stating, the grounds on which arrest is applied for. Read CPC in a better and systematic way. Download beautiful,KEEP READING

12. Application for attachment of movable property not in judgment-debtor’s possession. Where an application is made for the attachment of any movable property belonging to a judgment-debtor in his possession, the decree-holder shall annex to the application an inventory of the property to be attached, containing a reasonably accurate descriptionKEEP READING

13. Application for attachment of immovable property to contain certain particulars. Where an application is made for the attachment of any immovable property belonging to a judgment-debtor, it shall contain at the foot- (a) a description such property sufficient to identify the same and, in case such property can beKEEP READING

14. Power to require certified extract from Collector’s register in certain cases. Where an application is made for the attachment of any land which is registered in the office of the Collector, the Court may require the applicant to produce a certified extract from the register of such office, specifyingKEEP READING

15. Application for execution by joint decree-holders. (1) Where a decree has been passed jointly in favour of more persons than one, any one or more such persons may, unless the decree imposes any condition to the contrary, apply for the execution of the whole decree for the benefit ofKEEP READING

16. Application for execution by transferee of decree. Where a decree or, if a decree has been passed jointly in favour of two or more persons, the interest of any decree-holder in the decree in transferred by assignment in writing or by operation of law, the transferee may apply forKEEP READING

17. Procedure on receiving application for execution of decree. (1) On receiving an application for the execution of a decree as provided by rule 11, sub-rule (2), the Court shall ascertain whether such of the requirement’s of rules 11 to 14 as may be applicable to the case have beenKEEP READING

18. Execution in case of cross-decrees. (1) Where applications are made to a Court for the execution of cross-decrees in separate suits for the payment of two sums of money passed between the same parties and capable of execution at the same time by such Court, then- (a) if theKEEP READING

19. Execution in case of cross-claims under same decree. Where application is made to a Court for the execution of a decree under which two parties are entitled to recover sums of money from each other, then- (a) if the two sums are equal, satisfaction for both shall be enteredKEEP READING

20. Cross-decrees and cross-claims in mortgage-suits. The provisions contained in rules 18 and 19 shall apply to decrees for sale in enforcement of a mortgage or charge. Read CPC in a better and systematic way. Download beautiful, colourful CPC PDF.KEEP READING