Here is a great and very helpful PDF for the Indian Penal Code made by WritingLaw.

You can use the Section Index box and read that section quickly in your phone browser without having to scroll through 570 pages of this PDF!

Legal Maxims PDF

Download a colourful and systematic PDF of Legal Maxims and Phrases.
These legal maxims are very important for regular college or university law exams and is also used in court while dealing with actual cases.
This PDF only has those legal maxims which are very important and which are often used. You should definitely know these.KEEP READING

Advocates Act PDF Download

Here is the full PDF for Advocates Act, 1961. The PDF is functional and colourful.

There are links for all sections of this bare act.
If you are in hurry and you do not want to scroll the long PDF, then just click on the section name on first few pages of the PDF and that section will exactly open in your phone’s or computer’s browser.KEEP READING