Abbreviations related to case laws play a crucial role in legal research and citation, providing a concise and standardized way to reference specific court decisions, legal publications, and terms. These abbreviations are widely used in legal documents, court opinions, and scholarly articles to streamline references and maintain clarity.
Understanding these abbreviations is essential for legal professionals, scholars, and anyone involved in legal research.
In this law article, you will learn about the most important legal abbreviations that are commonly used in case laws.
- AC: Appeal Cases
- AD (Cr): Apex Decisions (Criminal)
- AER: All England Law Reports
- AIHC: All India High Court Cases
- AIR: All India Reporter
- AIRSCW: All India Reporter Supreme Court Weekly
- AJIL: American Journal of International Law
- All. LJ: Allahabad Law Journal
- ALR: Allahabad Law Reports
- ALT: Andhra Law Times
- APLJ: Andhra Pradesh Law Journal
- BCR: Bombay Cases Reporter
- Ben. LR: Bengal Law Reporter
- Bom. LR: Bombay Law Reports
- CCR: Crown Cases Reserved
- Chand. LR: Chandigarh Law Reporter
- CCC: Chandigarh Criminal Cases
- Ch D: Law Reports Chancery Division
- CrLJ: Criminal Law Journal
- CLR: Criminal Law Reporter
- Cri. LT: Criminal Law Times
- CLT: Cuttack Law Times
- CrPC: Code of Criminal Procedure
- CWN: Calcutta Weekly Notes
- DC: Drugs Cases
- DL: Delhi Lawyer
- DLT: Delhi Law Times
- DRJ: Delhi Reported Judgements
- East Cr.: C Eastern Criminal Cases
- ECC: Excise and Customs Cases
- EFR: Excise and Food Adulteration Cases
- ELT: Excise Law Times
- FAC: Food Adulteration Cases
- Guj CD: Gujarat Current Decisions
- Guj. LH: Gujarat Law Herald
- GJR: Gujarat Law Reporter
- HLJ: Himachal Law Journal
- IA: Law Reports Indian Appeals (Privy Council)
- IC: Indian Cases
- ILR: Indian Law Reports
- ITR: Income Tax Reporter
- JCC: Journal of Criminal Cases
- JLJ: Jabalpur Law Journal
- JT: Judgment Today
- KBD: Law Reports (English) King’s Bench Division
- Ker. LJ: Kerala Law Journal
- KLT: Kerala Law Times
- Mad. LW: Madras Law Weekly
- MHLJ: Maharashtra Law Journal
- MIA: Moore’s Indian Appeals
- MLJ: Madras Law Journal
- MPLJ: Madhya Pradesh Law Journal
- MWN: Madras Weekly Notes
- NZLR: New Zealand Law Reports
- OCR: Orissa Criminal Reports
- PUR: Patna Law Journal Reports
- QBD: Law Reports (English) Queens Bench Division
- RCJ: All India Rent Control Journal
- RCC: Rajasthan Criminal Cases
- Rec. CR: Recent Criminal Reports
- RLR: Rajdhani Law Times
- RLW: Rajasthan Law Weekly
- SCALE: Supreme Court Almanac
- SCC: Supreme Court Cases
- SCC (Civ): Supreme Court Cases (Civil)
- SCC (Cri): Supreme Court Cases (Criminal)
- SCC (L&S): Supreme Court Cases (Labour & Services)
- Sim. LC: Shimla Law Cases
- SLJ: Shimla Law Journal
- SCR: Supreme Court Reports
- SCJ: Supreme Court Journal
- UJ: Unreported Judgments
- WLR: Weekly Law Reports
- WR: Weekly Reporter
- WLN: Weekly Law Notes
As legal professionals navigate the vast landscape of case law, familiarity with these abbreviations is essential for effective communication, precise citation, and efficient legal research.
Do you have some abbreviations that are missing from this list? Please reach us on WhatsApp or other social media, and we will update this list with your suggestions.
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