Punishment for violating government orders for house quarantine
Punishment for violating government orders for house quarantine

Can a person get bail for violation of home quarantine? Any judgement, please share.

Punishment for Violation of Government Orders In Quarantine

Due to the spread of infectious disease, Corona, the Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897, is enforced in India. Section 3 of this act says that if the government’s order is not followed or disobeyed, then the person may be punished as per section 188 of IPC.

Section 188 of the Indian Penal Code says that if any person disobeys or does not follow government orders, then he shall be punished for six months of simple imprisonment or Rs. 1000 fine or both. Here intention to disobey is immaterial. Whether you have the intention or not, but if you have disobeyed, the offence is committed under section 188 of the Indian Penal Code.

Bare Act PDFs

And yes, as the punishment is less than 3 years, so it is a bailable offence. Till now, there is no judgment related to it.

This was a law question asked by a student on WritingLaw’s WhatsApp. Arushi, a contributing author, replied to it.

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