Cross Examination in Court

Some Effective Tips for Cross-Examination

1. Please keep it simple.
2. Keep it short.
3. Only ask questions that help you.
4. Avoid open-ended questions.
5. You should know when to quit.
6. Build perfect timings for a sensible move.KEEP READING

Finance Commission

Finance Commission is a constitutional body. Article 280 of the Constitution of India provides for Finance Commission. The president constitutes it after every five years.

Historically there was a provision that within two years after the commencement of the constitution, the Finance Commission must get established and after that every five years.KEEP READING

Sale in Transfer of Property Act

For understanding the term sale, you must know its essentials. They are:

1. Sale is a transfer of ownership from one person to other. One person transfers his title to another.
2. It is transferred in consideration for a price. Here, price means money and not any other valuable thing. Please note that, if in consideration, instead of money, a thing is given, then it is not sale but exchange.
3. The price may be paid or promised to be paid on a certain date or part-paid and part-promised.KEEP READING

Non Legal Ways To Successfully Fix and Save a Broken Marriage

A few alternatives to legal remedies that can save a marriage from falling apart are-

1. Mediation

Meditation is a form of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which aims to assist two or more persons involved in a dispute in reaching a mutual agreement. The content of that agreement is decided by the parties themselves rather than accepting something imposed by a third party.KEEP READING

National Human Right Commission

Being human, there are certain rights like the right to life, right to dignity, right to livelihood, and many others. Human rights are moral rights. They are universal rights. It is observed that the rights don’t serve the purpose unless they are protected. For the protection of human rights, there have been conventions, summits, and formation of commissions.

This is the reason for the creation of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) and the State Human Rights Commission (SHRC).KEEP READING

Dower in Muslim Law

Dower or Mahr is a sum of money that a husband pays to his wife on marriage. According to Mulla, “It is an obligation imposed upon the husband as a mark of respect to the wife.”

The concept of Dower worked as a sense of security to the wife. If in case husband abandons the wife or compels her to move out, the amount of Dower becomes the source of her livelihood.KEEP READING

Difference Between Relevancy and Admissibility

The rules related to relevancy are given under section 5 to 55 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872.

The rules related to admissibility are covered in the latter part of the Evidence Act, that is after section 56.

Relevancy admires what seems to be logical and probable.

Whereas admissibility strictly follows the rules of law. Anything can’t be admitted merely because it appears to be logical.KEEP READING