Advocates Act PDF Download


Download the full PDF for Advocates Act, 1961. The PDF is functional and colourful.

There are links for all sections of this bare act. If you are in hurry and you do not want to scroll the long PDF, then just click on the section name on first few pages of the PDF and that section will open in your phone’s or computer’s browser.


Initially I only had PDFs for main bare acts. But AIBE (All India Bar Examination) is near. You can download the last year question paper for AIBE and the syllabus here.

What I wanted to tell you is that, ADVOCATES ACT is also important for AIBE exam. You will get 4-6 questions from this.

When I was writing my AIBE exam no one near my seat had the book for Advocates Act. (Yes you are allowed to take as many books as you want inside hall for AIBE.)

Day before the exam I was in train. I had asked my friend in Delhi to just take screenshots of the index section of Advocates Act and take print outs of these. It was just 2-3 pages.

Believe me just those few pages helped me solve around 6 questions.

So yesterday I thought since this exam is near (it is conducted twice every year) I should make a PDF for this so that it is easy for you all to take not just the section print outs but even the print out of whole Advocates Act, 1961.

Bare Act PDFs

Additionally you can also read Advocates Act, 1961 here. (link opens in new tab)


Click the download link below. It will open in new tab. Save it on your device or take a print out of it. Please make sure that you open this in Google Chrome browser. Firefox and other browsers may not handle PDF opening and print out well. See what works for you.


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